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Only a couple weeks after the baby shower, there was a Night that Aerin was simply too uncomfortable to sleep. She was now eight months pregnant, and she'd been warned by Dr. Kenda that the twins could come up to a month earlier than they thought. After all, Space in the womb was at a premium with more than one baby, and both it and what the mother's body could handle reached the End of its rope sooner in most cases.

        Since she didn't wanna keep Bobby up–he'd a migraine half the Eve and was trying to sleep it off–she decided to head down to the living room after a couple hours of tossing and turning. Her only saving Grace in not keeping him up during that Time was that they'd a Sleep Number bed due to their combined skeletal problems. That thing already didn't transfer much, if any movement, but with it being topped by memory foam on top of it, there was almost no chance of keeping each other awake when they'd a restless Night.

        Down in the living room, the young woman turned the TV on for background noise while she was fooling around on her laptop. Whether she was listening to an actual TV show or an infomercial didn't really matter to her–she was more concerned with not waking anyone else up. If she was forced to 'cuz her water broke or something, that'd be different, but for right now, she didn't need to.

        "Oooh, Goddess," Aerin moaned, clutching her belly as the pain she'd been feeling in her back for weeks suddenly started wrapping around to her front.

        It wasn't something that just happened all at once outta nowhere–this was gradual over the course of a minute or so. The increase in the pressure she felt in her middle and pelvis told her exactly what it was, and she glanced down at the clock in the bottom-right corner of her laptop screen. One in the Morn was way too early to wake anyone else up unless her water broke in the next few minutes, especially when this could very well be just a false alarm.

        As the pain gripping her Began to ebb, the young woman decided to see if she'd anymore contractions–not to mention time them, if she did–before trying to wake anyone else up. If Bobby or either of the kids happened to come down before she got that chance, she was cool with that, too, as long as she didn't wake them up with a scream.

        "Mmm," she hummed, rubbing her belly as another one hit about half an hour later.


        Managing to glance up, she saw Zak in the living room doorway, but couldn't answer him since she was pretty sure she'd scream.

        "Aerin, what's wrong?" the young man asked, immediately coming over to kneel in the floor next to where she was sitting on the couch.

        Still unable to say anything, Aerin simply grabbed his hand in a Death grip like she'd rather be doing to his father right now.

        "Dear God–you're going into labor, aren'tcha?" he asked, his eyes widening.

        "" the young woman managed to grind out between her teeth.

        "How long's this been going on?" Zak asked, using his free hand to help with her efforts at rubbing her belly–which was rock-hard, thanksta the contraction.

        "Not...long," she managed, starting to relax as it slowly Began to ebb again.

        "So, not long enough to've bothered waking Dad up?" the young man asked, looking worried.

        "That's only the second one," Aerin managed to chuckle, panting a couple Times before managing a deeper breath. "First one was about half an hour ago."

Good Love (Sequel to Chance Meeting)Where stories live. Discover now