Chapter Six

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It's mid-afternoon of the Saturday when the Avengers arrive at the orphanage. The orphanage really has been Christmas-fied. The level of detail in the decorations is incredible. The smell of pine and cinnamon. The twinkling of bells hung from the ceiling. Bruce lets out a breath as his eyes take it all in.

"Wow" Natasha breaths looking around the main hall of the orphanage. It's...magic.

" incredible" Steve comments touching a line of tinsel that twinkles with its bells.

"And this is without the lights on" Clint points out.

"She has a gift" A voice states behind them, each Avenger turns to find a kind looking Latin woman. "I'm Nancy Perez, I manage this home" She introduces herself. "And I would very much like to thank you all for coming"

"No Miss St. North?" Tony asks.

"No, she will not be attending, but she did tell me to assure you that she will see you when you get to the store, she wanted to make sure everything was ready for the children"

"She's done something amazing here" Steve offers, Nancy nods.

"Yeah...but Neva does this every year" She tells them.

"She does?" Bruce asks.

"Yeah, has done for the last....ten years" She answers. "She brings the tree and the decorations and Christmas morning the children get up and find presents under the tree, do you have any idea what that means to them? For them to believe that someone out there loves them enough to get them something special. I know kids who have gone on to homes that still have her gifts...." Nancy smiles warmly. "She's one of a kind, and how she even managed to get you guys to agree to come today's a Christmas miracle"

"Where are the children?" Steve asks.

"Oh urm Neva arranged for them to go and watch The Polar Express whilst her people set all this up" Nancy looks at her watch. "They should be arriving back any minute" And with that, the sound of children's voices does trickle in, Nancy smiles and turns to greet them. Bruce is more nervous about this than he thought he was going to be. He was nervous about being around children considering what he is but now that it is actually happening. He takes a deep breath and adjusts his sweater as the children all start to pile into the room. Eyes widening as they take in the decorations and then the tree. Some of them knew this was happening, some of those that had been here the longest have experienced Neva's generosity before but the younger ones, this is all new to them. And there is that wonder that Neva loves. Their eyes filled with it. And the Avengers cannot help but smile at the sight. This is just what Neva was going for. This is what Christmas is supposed to be like.


Rudolph follows Neva around as she hums away, throwing a row of lights up around the pen posts, she catches the end and twists the wires. Rudolph presses his nose into her pocket where he knows she's got a handful of carrots stashed for him, she pulls away from him and shoots him a look.

"Not yet" she scolds him and taps his glowing nose with the carrot, he still tries to eat them from her hand. She chuckles and leaves the pen, Rudolph attempting to follow her. Neva closes the gate and snaps the lock into place before throwing the carrots to Rudolph who catches them and then proceeds to gobble them down. Neva chuckles softly and heads into the store.


Yetis are decorating the store in more holiday decorations. The few elves that came are currently trying to 'untangle' a batch of lights on the floor. Neva smiles softly as she looks at them. A yeti approaches Neva, he holds up the bag of lights to her and cocks his head in question.

"Along the counter" she tells him and motions with her hand. He nods and walks away. Another yeti is sat screwing in blue lightbulbs into a row of lights, she glances at him as she passes by. "Not blue" she scolds. "Red" The yeti drops his forehead onto the counter top in dismay, the string of lights, 300 are already blue. "But it does look great" she assures the yetis who grumble happy with her praise. "They're going to love it" she presses her hand to her chest. "Alright, I need to get changed" She states looking at the clock on the wall. "Finishing touches" she tells the yetis who now. "And keep an eye on the elves" she motions to the elves and the yetis nod, reassuring her that they will keep an eye on them. Neva turns and leaves the main floor to head up to the apartment on the floor above.


Bruce takes a breath and closes his eyes. He has managed to spend a hour with the children and not have an episode. And it's been fun, watching them get all excited for the holiday. Talking with them, realising just how much Neva's kindness means to them. Steve steps to his side and glances at him, Bruce looks back at him and nods, letting Steve knows he is fine. Steve gives him a proud smile. They may not have known one another very long, but they all do care about one another, and Steve is proud that Bruce is taking these steps to come out of his shell more. Bruce is a good man, and Steve hates that his past has made him doubt that. Nancy rounds the children up and closer to the Avengers so she can talk to them all.

"So..." Nancy turns to the Avengers. "Firstly, thank you for coming, it really means a lot to me and the children that you support and encourage them" she then turns to the children. "Secondly, Neva actually arranged something extra special for you guys" Nancy tells them with a smile. "With help from the Avengers" she motions to the group of heroes. "And to get you there" Nancy teases and motions for them to follow her. She pushes open the doors and leads them out into the street. A soft fluttering of snow starting to fall. There is a line of horse drawn carriages on the street waiting for them. The children, of course, are more excited at the sight of them.

"How did she even afford this?" Natasha asks before looking at Tony.

"I didn't give her any money" Tony assures them.

"None?" Bruce asks.

"No, she told me to donate her fee to the home....and her store can't bring in that much, it's only open for 2ish months of the year and I saw her prices, they're too reasonable"

"Neva has a lot of friends in New York" Nancy offers in way of explanation with a smile. She claps her hands together and motions to the children who are all smiling and talking excitedly to themselves. "Now...shall we?" she asks them warmly. The children then rush to find a carriage. Bruce watches them warmly, the way the older children are helping the younger ones, solidarity, they're a family even if they believe themselves void of one.

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