Chapter Thirteen

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Bruce tries to decide what to do with the information Natasha gave him, well, not so much information as insight. Natasha's not wrong, Bruce is attracted to Neva and more than just because she is beautiful. It's who she is that he's attracted to. Brave. Passionate. Hopeful. Good. She smiles and he feels all the bad in his life just...vanish. She makes him want to be better. She makes him feel better about who he is. He's not sure he's ready for a relationship. He struggles every day with life and he doesn't want to force that on another. But she's so different. She's not human, she doesn't have human weaknesses. He doesn't have to worry about her being some breakable young woman. He's actually pretty sure that he's in love with her. Not even just a crush but full-blown love. He's never felt it so intensely before. With Betty, he knew he loved her, but now he's not sure he was ever in love with her, because it's not like this. Not so settled inside of him. Not so ingrained and present as it is with Neva. He knew the moment he met Neva that she was something special, and the more time he spent with her, the more he felt himself falling further in love with her. And even when he thinks she can't get better, she does something to prove him wrong, proves the depth of her kindness and her hope. He looks across the room to where she's standing at the railing looking at the globe, her hands fiddling with an almost finished snow globe, it just needs a few finishing brushes with the paintbrush. Bruce stands and moves towards her just as Neva checks her Christmas styled watch and sighs a little, it's going to be very close. She lowers her arm and sighs. It's not their fault it's slow going they're doing the best and they are doing it as fast as they can and it's a lot faster than if she was having to do it herself.

"You look distracted" Bruce offers as he leans next to her, she nods.

"Yes, just..." she shrugs a little and glances at her watch again. Bruce's hand covers the watch and she lifts her eyes to meet his.

"It's going to be fine" he assures her. "We'll make it on time" She gives him a smile and nods.

"I know, this is just important..."

"We know that," he tells her. "We know" he wraps his fingers around her wrist and pulls her closer to him. "We'll get it done" she leans into his side and lets out a breath.

"Thank you" she whispers as she wraps her arm around his so she can rest her head against his arm with a soft sigh. Bruce looks up and across the other side of the globe where Jackie is watching him back, her eyes are unreadable, he can't read how she feels about what she is looking at. Neva is her daughter, her little girl, the only one of her kind, and Bruce is human. Jackie can understand what might happen, eventually, if anything happens between them. Neva will carry on living, even after Bruce dies, and Jackie and North will likely have to deal with that, to patch her up and watch her suffer through loss that she's never had to feel before. Bruce will be Neva's first chance at feeling human emotions. They need to tread easily. She's still a little naïve to the world of love and affection. She needs protecting.


Jackie draws her hand along the wall as she walks through the hall, her fingers leave ice in their wake. Bruce is stood slightly away from the Avengers who chuckle and laugh with one another. Bruce smiles watching them together. It's been so long since he's had companions like this. And he likes it. Jackie approaches from behind him and touches his hand with her staff, he jerks his fingers away and raises them to his lips to blow on them whilst shooting Jackie a look, she shrugs a little.

"Can we talk?" Jackie asks him.

"I assume this is about Neva" he offers, she nods.

"She's very special," Jackie tells him.

"I know" Bruce assures her.

"But she's naïve and inexperienced" Jackie adds as she takes his arm, Bruce nods. "Neva was sheltered for a lot of her life, away from contact with those outside of the Guardians, human nature is somewhat new to her"

"I think you underestimate her" Bruce argues, Jackie raises an eyebrow at him. "She's been watching the human race for a long time, she understands more than you know, she's very bright, very astute, very....observant," Jackie smirks a little. "That was a test, wasn't it?" he asks her.

"A little bit" she answers as she spins her staff in her free hand. "Neva....sees the best in everyone, that is what makes her naïve. She's too trusting. So...I need you and your friends to look after her" Bruce glances at her. "I have a feeling she'll be spending a lot more time with you all and someone has to watch out for her, to make sure she doesn't trust the wrong people, that she doesn't get hurt"

"We will" Bruce assures her softly.

"What about you?" Jackie asks him. "Are you going to hurt her?" Bruce's eyes widen slightly at the implication.

"No" he is quick to tell her. "Not if I can help it...." Jackie searches his eyes before nodding a little, seemingly pleased with his answer. "I care about your daughter, a lot" Jackie smiles and nods.

"I know" she assures him. "I can see it...I just..."

"She's your daughter, your only daughter, you are always going to look out for her, from whatever you perceive as a threat" Bruce tells her. "I promise I will look after her to the best of my abilities" Jackie nods and squeezes his arm before releasing him. She pats his arm before walking away. Bruce takes a deep breath. He wasn't lying. He knows he will. He can't bear the thought of Neva getting hurt, especially by him.

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