Chapter Eleven

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Neva sits on a bench staring out the window overlooking the North Pole's snow covered hills. She smiles and touches the window, letting her ice powers creep up. She then draws her finger through the ice to draw images and pictures. Tony walks into the room and watches her a moment before approaching.

" weren't lying" Tony comments as he sits next to Neva, she smirks and glances at him.

"What was it that finally dropped for you?" she asks, he shrugs.

"The great big jolly Russian Santa" he answers.

"Yeah, that will do it" she teases, he chuckles and shakes his head.

"I can't believe it" he admits. "I know I'm here and seeing it and everything but believing...." he glances at her. "Once you become an adult everyone tells you....Santa Claus isn't real" he mocks a little. She nods in agreement. "But we have no idea that he's actually out there....Kids believe" Tony offers. "They believe blindly but....they're right" Neva chuckles a little.

"You look like you're having an existential crisis" she comments.

"I am!" Tony announces clutching his chest. "As adults, we're all liars, and we're all lied to our entire lives" she hums and nods in agreement. He gasps and looks at her. "What else do we lie about?" She shrugs and smirks. There is a high pitched squeal of excitement from the next room which sends Neva and Tony after it.


Tooth is hovering over Steve who look terrified, the other Avengers all in a state between alert and confusion. Neva chuckles a little watching the other Guardians appear. She loves watching people freak out over them.

"Tooth" Jackie warns walking into the room. "Fingers out of mouths" Tooth pulls her fingers back from Steve's mouth and smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry" she tells him.

"It's okay" Steve assures her and then runs his tongue over his teeth.

"You really do have some very nice teeth" Tooth compliments him.

"Urm....thanks" Steve glances to Neva, silently begging her for her help. Neva smiles softly and nods.

"Guardians, meet the Avengers, the Guardians" Neva glances at Jackie who nods reassuringly. "So...we have Tooth" Neva motions to the fairy who waves. "The Toothfairy" Neva elaborates. "And Sandy, the Sandman" Sandy waves with a smile. "Jackie Frost..." Neva smiles at her mother. "My mother..." Jackie waves as she leans on her staff. "And finally...the Easter Kangaroo"

"What?!" Bunny snaps turning to her. "You and your mother...I swear one of these days I am going to take my boomerang and shove it right up...." he scolds, his Australian accent thick, and thickening with each word. Jackie chuckles and nudges the rabbit.

"Easy up, Cotton-Tail" Jackie teases, Bunny turns a glare on her. "We're here for a reason" Jackie reminds them and looks at Neva. "Does this have to do with the orphanage fire?"

"How did you know that?" Natasha asks her.

"I pay attention to my daughter's life" Jackie answers hopping up onto the railing around the room. "And it is still winter in New York, I didn't get there in time to help, but I saw the damage...."

"All the presents I spent all year on were destroyed, and I need to replace them before tomorrow morning"

"That explains the hero squad being allowed at the pole" Bunny comments. "And...yeah, alright, I'll help, Junior"

"I know you can make some of the most beautiful eggs" Neva offers. "Bunny, they're...gorgeous" He smiles and stands up taller, proud. "Maybe some....winter or Christmas designs...."

"I'll see what I can do" Bunny tells her and then turns to Tooth. "Some help?" Tooth nods and then follows him out of the room.

"Sandy" Neva starts as she steps closer to him. "Perhaps some...enchanted pillows, weave some of that dream sand into them?" Sandy holds up his hands and gives her a double thumbs up before floating away.

"Neva" Jackie starts and nods away from the group. "A word" Neva nods and Tony smirks a little.

"You're in trouble" He teases, Neva shoots him a look and follows her mother as she goes into the next room. Jackie smiles a little as she walks, Neva catching up to her side.

"You're not in trouble" Jackie assures her fondly, Neva lets out a breath. "I just..." Jackie sighs a little. "How are you holding up?" Jackie asks Neva who shrugs back in answer.

"I am upset for them" Neva admits. "I know how much this holiday means to them....and to see it all....literally go up in smoke...." Jackie gives her a sad smile, Jackie knows how much those children and that home means to her.

"But you're helping, so they are going to be just fine" Jackie assures her softly. Neva nods a little in agreement. She knows she has the best tools and allies for the job, it's the time constraint that worries her. "So is there any reason that man is staring at you as if you hung the moon?" Jackie asks, Neva frowns at her, Jackie nods to Bruce who lingers in the doorway watching them, he looks away from them both when they look at him.

"Bruce" Neva offers. "He's...been very kind and understanding....and I like him"

"Like a friend?" Jackie asks, Neva looks back at her mother and shrugs.

"I don't know" Neva admits. "I've never really had a friend before" Jackie realises why, because she and North kept her so sheltered here at the Pole that Neva never met another child until she was an adult.

"Oh" Jackie whispers. "I'm sorry" Neva frowns at her. "We never really thought about it, did we?" Jackie asks. "We just raised you here...but you were so alone"

"I was never alone" Neva argues, Jackie takes her hand.

"Neva" Jackie starts as she turns to face her. "There were no other children here, no one outside of the life experiences didn't start until well into your adult years....." Neva looks down.

"Well, I never felt lonely" She offers. "You both gave me everything I needed, and I'm fine. I'm well adjusted....." Jackie cups Neva's cheek and smiles softly.

"You are an incredible woman" Jackie assures her. "I just wish we'd thought about it more"

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