a really platonic dinner date. Thor is suspicious.

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Valkyrie had taken Carol to an open field a little ways from the busy streets of New Asgard, where there was plenty of open space and a peaceful calm and certainly a good place for battle training. Carol, out of her boredom, had challenged Valkyrie to a fight to test who was the strongest, and Valkyrie, of course, competitive as she was, accepted.

  Now they were facing each other, circling like cats in a fight. Valkyrie began analyzing Carol's fighting technique. Since Carol herself had told her about her powers and Thor had confirmed she indeed was an extremely strong opponent, Carol must be aggressive and reckless, because, with that much power, she didn't need to be afraid of anything really. But they had settled for hand-to-hand combat, without any powers of weapons. Just their wits and strength. But then, Carol was confident that she would win.

  Carol lunged at Valkyrie but Valkyrie dodged the attack, going under Carol's arm. She then jammed her first into Carol's stomach, but Carol was astonishingly fast. She grabbed Valkyrie's wrist and flipped her around. Valkyrie's back hit the floor and Carol leaped on top of her, straddling her. Valkyrie went still, a strategy she had always used in a battle to let her oppenent know she was giving up, when she was just waiting, like a lion ready to pounce. Carol looked surprise, her fist hovering in the air.

  Taking the advantage, Valkyrie seized Carol's head and flung her to the ground. Then she was the one on top of the brown-eyed beauty, her hands wrapped around Carol's warm neck, but not tight enough to suffocate Carol.

  Carol then reared up, her boots digging into Valkyrie's waist, and threw her off her. Valkyrie tucked into a roll and sprang up, trying to catch her breath. Carol didn't hesitate, she went barrelling into Valkyrie and the both of them went rolling across the grass, laughing.

  Valkyrie lay there on the grass, panting hard to catch her breath, but laughing, because this was the most fun she had ever had.

  Carol groaned, and Valkyrie looked over. "Ugh... I hate you, Brunnhilde."

  "Does that mean I won?" Valkyrie asked. She got up and settled herself down beside Carol.


  "That sounds like a yes."

  Carol scoffed. "I want a rematch."

  Valkyrie threw her head back and laughed. "By Odin's beard, you are really stubborn."

  "That sounds like you don't want a rematch," Carol said, a smirk in her voice. "Afraid you'll lose, Brunnhilde?"

  "Oh really?" Valkyrie raised an eyebrow and Carol's smirk grew wider. "Who says I'm losing?"


By the time Thor had found Carol and Valkyrie, both of them were still fighting their hundredth rematch because both Carol and Valkyrie won and one wouldn't accept the fact that both won fair and square and was always insisting that the other lost.

  The sun was starting to set and both were still fighting like dogs from hell until Thor boomed, "Fair maidens, the sun has set. It is time we dine!"

  Carol was pinning Valkyrie to the ground and when she looked up, Valkyrie seized the chance and knocked Carol over with a blow to the chin. Carol yelled when she tumbled over, her hands cupped around her chin and Valkyrie sprang up, hands on her hips. Carol struggled to stand beside her and she rubbed her chin.

  "That hurts," she grumbled.

  Valkyrie touched Carol's chin and instantly felt guilty. Which was weird; she never felt like this toward Thor when he used to practice battle training with her. "Do you need an ice pack for that?"

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