doctor Banner to the rescue.

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The ship was silent the whole way when it flew back to Earth. The silence was broken by the usual bickering of Thor and Peter and Rocket telling them to shut up or the quiet conversation between Mantis and Drax. The sisters were silent, leaning against each other while sharing a snack.

  And Valkyrie still hadn't found a way to numb the pain in her chest. Her head felt better after a while, though her heart was still wounded. And she still hadn't stopped crying. Mantis came over and tapped her gently on the shoulder. "What is it?" she asked, blanket still over her head because she didn't want anyone to see her crying.

  "Will you stop crying if I give you a hug?" Mantis asked.

  Valkyrie didn't respond, didn't want to show her vulnerability. But when Mantis' arms came wrapping around her body she let her pull her into a tight embrace. Valkyrie just sighed into the blanket when Mantis rocked her back and forth like she's a child in need of comfort. At first, she was angry at herself for showing she was desperately in need for a hug or two, but her anger didn't last for long because the truth was, she admitted to herself, she was a child.

  Mantis then slowly released her and her quiet footsteps were heard as she crossed the ship.

  Valkyrie rubbed her dry and sore eyes and lifted the blanket off her face to find Nebula staring at her. She looked away and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders more tightly. She could feel the warmth of Thor's body next to her and turned around. She huffed when Thor let out a loud snore as he slept.

  Valkyrie turned to Nebula, who was still staring at her, her black gaze unwavering. Unnerved as she was, Valkyrie waved slightly and Nebula lifted her head a little. "Do you have...any food?" she asked.

  Nebula reached out to rearrange Gamora's sleeping position, got up, and disappeared into the back of the ship. When she returned, she had a bag of donuts in hand. She approached Valkyrie and gave it to her. "I bought these this morning before Thor came to get my team" she said, surprising Valkyrie. Her voice was like her eyes, cold and emotionless. "You can have it. If Peter keeps on eating he's going to get fat." She stared as Valkyrie managed a small laugh. "He'll keep complaining."

  Valkyrie thanked her and bit into it absentmindedly, staring at the brightening sky as the ship slowly descended toward Earth.

  Something bright flashed outside but when Valkyrie turned to look, it was gone.


Carol bowed when she reached Thanos on his throne. "I found them," she said. "They're heading for Earth."

  Thanos tapped his chin. "Where are they heading to?"

  "That, I do not know," Carol replied. Suddenly, an image of the dark-haired girl popped up in her mind. The one she was staring at when the ship traveled to Earth. Her brown eyes...

  "I need you to go look for them," Thanos commanded, rising from his seat. "And when you find them, report to me. Then find out what they are planning to do. And report that to me too. Gather as much information as you could. Then find the Loki from our timeline. Tell him to report to me what he has discovered. And I need you to come with him too. Make sure he doesn't cause any more mischief unless I tell him too."

"Yes, of course." Carol stood up to leave, but when she was aloft a few moments later, her mind brought her back to the girl again with her braided dark hair and pleading, sad eyes.

  "Your eyes...they aren't yours, Carol. This isn't you."

  The locket with her hair tucked inside.

  That girl...what was her name? Was it...was it...

  Carol growled and shook her head. Then, she plunged down toward the direction of Earth.

The Girl In Battle (Carol x Valkyrie) Where stories live. Discover now