Valkyrie decides to travel to space. someone blows up her ship. sighs.

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"What do you mean, Gamora and Peter are gone!" Rocket flung his arms out. "And that stupid scepter? But Gamora said she would-" His shouting quietened to a never-ending grumble.

  It was not until evening when everyone finally went back home. And that's when Bruce was the one who had put everyone into cardiac arrest by announcing that the scepter was stolen, along with both Quill and Gamora.

  Valkyrie hid her face in her hands. Everything had gone so wrong. She cursed and cursed and cursed until she was beaten by a curse way louder than hers would ever reach.

  "Trakhni eto der'mo!" Natasha shouted, and everyone turned to look at her, confused and a little scared. She sighed and slapped her hands down her face. "Fuck this shit."

  "We need to go to space," Strange decided.

  "But if we were to go to space who would be left to protect Earth?" Thor questioned.

  "I'll go alone. To space." Valkyrie stood up tall, drawing everyone's attention. Natasha lifted her head from her hands. The statement alone made several protests burst from the small crowd of people.

  "This is too dangerous. Are you out of your mind?" Thor growled.

  "But, Valkyrie. She nearly killed you last time." Mantis pointed to her chest.

  "If you die..." Loki started, his voice trembling with anger.

  Even Nebula voiced her concerns. "No."

  "I can go with her," Wanda volunteered.

  "No," both Valkyrie and Natasha said in unison. Natasha's sharp gaze flicked to her.

  Vision gripped Wanda's arm. "You cannot go."

  Wanda started to struggle and protest, but she sank into Vision's chest when Natasha glared at her and said "I lost you for five years, Wanda. I won't risk that again."

  Even Strange's shoulders relaxed when Wanda didn't protest.

  "I will go..." Valkyrie started.

  "You are not-" Loki interrupted.

  "...alone." Valkyrie stared him down. "And no one will go with me, whether you like it or not. I won't let Carol kill you all."

  "And it's all right if she kills you?" Natasha countered.

  Valkyrie bristled. "I'm going alone, and that's final." Then, she turned and stalked out her hut, toward the spaceships.

  Before anyone could see her or even stop her, she climbed onto one of the ships, started it, and flew off.

  Without saying goodbye.


Valkyrie came to when her spaceship suddenly stopped working. She leaped onto her feet and dug around her armor when she touched an extra Holographic Spacesuit she had kept. She was fumbling around with it so much she didn't notice the ground opening up behind her.

  Cold, green fingers curled around her ankle and yanked her through the jagged hole.

  Valkyrie tried to inhale for a scream but couldn't and she choked. A punch was delivered to her stomach and she was thrown away. She half-coughed, half-choked as she clumsily activate the Holographic Spacesuit. She didn't have time to calm down, for Gamora was flying straight at her, her arm pulled back.

  Valkyrie caught her arm just as she was about to strike. Valkyrie twisted Gamora's arm till the green-skinned girl screamed and flipped over. Then, she noticed, with bile in her throat, that Gamora was in a spacesuit identical to the one she was in. She grabbed Gamora's legs and flipped her over again. With Gamora's back to her, Valkyrie hooked her legs around Gamora's neck and started pummelling her fists hard against Gamora's head.

The Girl In Battle (Carol x Valkyrie) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora