Carol wakes up. oh shit.

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Valkyrie took the ice pack off and she nearly burst into tears when Carol opened her eyes. They were brown.

  "My head hurts..." Carol squinted at all the faces crowded around her. "Stop looking at me," she grumbled.

  They all backed away except Thor. Wanda placed a hand on Valkyrie's shoulder and went away to give them space.

  "Val...Valkyrie?" Carol sat up and rubbed her head. She realized she was sitting on Valkyrie's lap and startled. She started apologising and scrambling away, but Valkyrie grabbed her hand.

  "Quiz time," Valkyrie declared. She held out the locket. "Remember this?"

  "I-I gave it to you three years ago, in your-"

  Valkyrie couldn't help but laugh as she threw her arms around Carol, sobbing all her stress and relief into Carol's shoulder. "You remember."

  "Remember what-" Carol suddenly went stiff.

  Valkyrie pulled away, her heart stopping for a moment. But Carol still had her eyes, but they were filled with so much guilt. Valkyrie took her hands. "What's wrong?"

  "I-I did that...I-I'm sorry..." Carol started to tremble. "I punched you."

  "Hey, hey, it's okay." Valkyrie tore off her chestplate and Carol looked scared when she opened her arms.

  "I'm going to hurt you," Carol whispered.

  "That's not you. Thanos mind-controlled you. It's not your fault, okay?" Valkyrie wrapped her arms around Carol and pulled her close. "You're home with me now, that's all that matters."

  Carol peeked out of Valkyrie's arms and looked at Thor. "I'm sorry."

  "It's okay." Thor beamed at her.

  Carol looked at the others that were staring at her. She untangled herself from Valkyrie's arms and rushed to every single person, apologising. She even gave Rocket a hug. "You're so fluffy like my cat," she had cooed.

  "Oh now I'm being compared to a cat," Rocket grumbled. "Rabbit, build-a-bear, and now cats. What's next, huh? A frog?"

  Valkyrie bounded over to Carol and threw herself into Carol's arms. "You're back." She pulled away and made a fierce face. "Don't you ever be so stupid to let Thanos catch you again."

  "Aye-aye, Captain." Carol mock-saluted her and both of them erupted in giggles.

  Carol seemed to notice for the first time 2012 Loki's crumpled form on the floor. "Uh, who is that?"

  "Sit down." Valkyrie led her toward a spot on the floor. It felt so great to be able to talk to Carol like old times again. "I'll tell you everything."


After Valkyrie was done with the explanation, Carol was wide-eyed. Then her face dropped to a scowl. "I'll make Thanos pay for what he did." She winced and touched the bruise on her head.

  "Does it still hurt?" Valkyrie brushed her fingers lightly across the ugly bruise. "Do you need anything? Food? Another ice pack?"

  "Nah, I heal quickly." Carol frowned and prodded her cheeks. Yawned. "Although I do need some sleep."

  "Sleep here. I'll wake you up when anything exciting happens." Valkyrie smiled to herself when Carol closed her eyes and rested her head against the tiled wall.

  "Make sure it's something like, 'Thanos is here' not 'Carol, look, you drool all over the place!'" Carol mumbled.

  Valkyrie laughed. "Okay."

  Valkyrie watched Carol for a while. Then, she turned her gaze to watch Bruce muttering calculations under his breath as he tapped the scepter. Nebula and Gamora were quiet beside him, scanning the mess of papers on the table. Drax and Mantis were asleep in a corner against each other while Rocket was shouting something at Groot but Groot just grumbled at him. Peter was away to buy some food. Stephen and Wanda were huddled close, probably discussing about how their great powerful magical abilities could defeat Thanos.


  Valkyrie whirled around to see Thor settling himself beside her, 2012 Loki's unconscious body propped against the wall next to him. His chest rose and fell slowly.

  Valkyrie tilted her head at her friend. "Yes?"

  "Are you sure she's just a friend?" Thor asked her quietly. It was highly unusual for him to be this quiet.

  Valkyrie's heart started picking up speed. Her stomach churned. She kept her gaze on the locket cupped in her hands. "Yes."

  Thor's face looked like he had his doubts. He shot her a small sideways grin. "You look like a tomato."

  "And how is that relevant to that question?" Valkyrie spat. "I don't like her that way so stop sticking your nose in my business you annoying...bas...tard..." Her throat closed up when she felt something warm and heavy pressing down on her shoulder. She looked down at Carol's head on her shoulder, her whole body pressing into Valkyrie's side.

  "Suit yourself. Quill's back with the food. I'll go get some for you." Thor started to get up, but Valkyrie touched his hand.

  "And for Carol." Valkyrie shot a glance at past Loki. "And save some for him."

  Thor gave her a mocking smile before he lumbered toward the glass doors, where Peter was holding bags of food.

  Valkyrie sighed softly to herself. Then, she lay her head down on top of Carol's, her golden-yellow hair soft against her cheek.

  No, something in her whispered. She's not just a friend. She's something more.


A dark, hulking shape on a floating throne towered over her. "So I see they've got Carol and Loki." His voice sounded like rolling thunder.

  "Unfortunately, yes," she said. "Loki and Carol are awake and themselves. But don't worry, Master, I'll lead you to them."

  "Tomorrow night," the voice rumbled. "Be ready."



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