The Party

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"Sooooo why are they here again?" Dipper said as he floated down to her sister and punched a gnome.

"I think they wanted to make a deal with you?" Mabel said as running upstairs.

"Then why are they breaking in!?" said Dipper while running besides her. As he looked back he saw more gnomes breaking in.

"I'm honestly not sure I was just reading Little Women when I heard the gnomes outside" Mabel said frantically locking the door.

"Hold on. Why are we running again?" I said walking away from the door Mabel locked. "We're demons and they're gnomes" I said while floating once again. I snapped my fingers freezing all the gnomes in their current positions.

"Okay, well I panicked so I forgot" Mabel said while floating next to Dipper. As we both went outside we saw gnomes left and right. They were near the door, in the bathrooms, and in all the rooms.

"So please explain your reasoning behind breaking into our house with no particular reason" I said while Mabel was throwing all the gnomes out of a window.

"Okay well we heard a weird noise in the forest and we got scared so we panicked and accidentally broke in" the gnomes said now panicking.

"Well first of all how do you accidentally break into our house and second of all why did you get scared?" I said now furious with the statement of how they accidentally broke into our house. When I looked at Mabel she was as furious as I was.

"We saw a fire start in the forest and we just started running" the gnomes said returning to their panicked and depressed state.

"Alright then but now you have to get out" Dipper said picking the gnome up

"W-WAIT!!! WE ALSO WANT TO MAKE A DEAL!!!" the gnome said desperately.

My eyes turned bright yellow and my hands were now engulfed in bright blue flames right as he said that. "Really~ and what would be your proposition?" I said now suddenly interested.

"We want to know if things will ever get better for us gnomes" the gnome said with eyes of anticipation.

"Hmmmm so you desire knowledge of your future" Dippier said putting his hand on his chin. As I thought about it I also thought what I would need in return. With the thought of nothing I said "Fine, but in return I want one favor from you gnomes. No matter what the favor is you must do it" I said putting my hand out for the gnome to shake.

"Deal" said the gnome as he shook my hand.

Right as he shook my hand I saw the gnomes with a queen finally living happily. "Yes, you will have a great future with a queen" I said while smiling at the thought of the gnomes finally getting a queen after their long search.

"Well that's just swell!" yelled the gnome with excitement while he ran back to the woods.

"Dipper are they all gone?" said Mabel as she threw the last gnome out the door.

"Yep, I also scored a new deal with them" Dipper said while walking back to his room.

"Oh, and one of my friends invited us to their party" Mabel yelled up to Dipper as he was walking to his room upstairs. "I promised her that we would be there for her so you better get dressed" I said while getting dressed.

"Mabel why!?" Dipper yelled down to Mabel. "I'm already so tired from dealing with the gnomes!" I yelled now realizing I have to get dressed for one of Mabel's friend's party.

"C'mon please do this one thing for me?" said Mabel trying to convince Dipper to go. The truth was that she didn't want to be lonely at the party. "If you go to the party with me I'll let you have your own party here" I said hoping that this would finally persuade him to come with me.

"Fine" Dipper said dressing up in his formal attire. "Where is it?" I said while checking my reflection in the mirror.

"It's just a few blocks away" Mabel said checking the address her friend gave her. "You know the black and purple mansion down the road?" I said while also checking my reflection in the mirror.

"Yeah, so I guess it's not that fair" Dipper said.

When it was nearing 6pm the twins left their house to go to the party. As they were walking over there Dipper saw a lot of other demons entering the household. Some demons he recognized and some not so well. As Mabel parted Dipper to go greet her friends Dipper was left alone. As he explored the place he reached the backyard of the house and saw a forest of large oak trees. As he walked towards the forest he saw a small teen walking through them. As he got closer he recognized more physical traits of the teen. The teen had bright blond hair, bright yellow golden eyes, a tan skin tone, a hat with a golden outline of a triangle, a shirt with another triangle on it, black cargo shorts, and black boots. He was also holding a strange journal with another triangle on it. Yeesh, this kid has got a thing for triangles. Other than that he looked really...cute.

"Hello?" said Dipper as he approached the teen. When approaching him he was startled and started backing away at first.

"H-Hi I-I'm so sorry for trespassing on your property I'll l-leave now" the teen said hanging his head low and walking back the other way.

"Don't be and if you don't mind asking who are you and what are you doing here?" said Dipper now inspecting him some more.

"M-My name's Bill C-Cipher and I'm here because I saw a bunch of people go through the woods and I followed them." Bill said while still terrified at the thought of the person in front of him turning him in.

"Well pleasure to meet you Bill my names Dipper Pines and the reason you saw people come over here is because of a party one of my sister's friends are hosting." said Dipper sending a friendly vibe over to the teen. "Say, that journal looks quite unique. What is it about" I said while now inspecting the journal.

"O-Oh this? Well I found it in a tree" Bill said while also looking at his journal. "Now I know what you're thinking. How? Well I was pinning some posters around when I c are across the tree that seemed hollow. From further investigation I pulled down a branch opening the tree and having a staircase leading down. When I went down I saw a bunch of strange things. But I saw that the place was closing so I just grabbed the closest thing next to me and ran out of there" I said looking at the person's confused look.

"So, you're saying that in the forest there's a secret bunker in one of the trees here?" said Dipper confused.

"Yep" Bill said now also inspecting Dipper. As he looked at Dipper more he saw unrealistic traits about him such as the wings on his waist. "Sir if you don't mind me asking why do you have wings there?" I asked covering my head in case he was planning on hurting me for asking such a question.

"Wait you don't know what I am?" Dipper asked confused.

"Sorry not really. I just saw your wings right now" Bill said looking at his wings some more.

"How should I explain this? Well I'm just gonna say that the people you followed here are demons as am I" Dipper said with pride.

"D-DEMONS!?!?!?" Bill said stumbling back.

Demon Dipper and Demon Mabel (Zero Gravity AU)Where stories live. Discover now