I'll be back!

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"Dipper!" Bill yelled as he walked in the mansion.

"There you are! Why were you at Enchantes's base!?" Dipper said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Oh I got this!" Bill handed him a picture of Dipper shirtless.

"W-Where did you get this!?" Dipper asked in disbelief. I don't remember taking a picture like this...

"Oh Enchantes gave it to me" Bill said smirking.

After that statement Dipper immediately teleported in front of the lair. For some reason Dipper couldn't teleport inside of the lair so teleporting outside was the next best thing. As soon as he teleported there, ten turrets popped up behind him and started shooting. Luckily his sword was on his person at all times so destroying them was simple. When they were destroyed the main entrance of the lair opened up revealing Enchantes playing tea party with his stuffed animal.

"What is it now? Can't you see I'm enjoying tea with Mr.Snuggles?" said Enchantes pouring tea into Mr.Snuggles cup.

"Well Mr.Snuggles is going to have to wait! Where did you get that shirtless photo of me!?" yelled Dipper as he pointed his sword at Enchantes.

"Whoa~ Hold on there buddy! First of all I didn't do anything, that was in my mail and second I gave it to him because I didn't know what else to do with it" Enchantes grabbed Mr.Snuggles and ran to the back.

"Get back here!" Dipper chased Enchantes to the end of the wall when he thought he had nowhere else to go. "End of the line Enchantes... You have nowhere else to go" I slowly started approaching him.

"Never say I have nowhere to go~" Enchantes was lifted by the tile he was standing on to the roof.

"And I can't even teleport up there..." said Dipper looking for a way up.

"Now time to test out my prototype..." Enchantes descended on a pad to the main control room and pushed a large black button down.

When the button was pushed red lights blared throughout the lair. The robot rose in the living room in front of Dipper. The white and gray robot had four legs and the body resembled a cube with missile launchers on the side of it. The left arm had a long energy cannon and the right arm just had claws as hands.

"What is that!?" questioned Dipper as he hid behind a couch.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome to the stage, Powerhouse!" yelled Enchantes as his face popped up on a T.V screen that was behind the couch. "This robot uses brute force to get through anything he desires!" I said braggingly.

Powerhouse lunged itself at Dipper and smashed the floor underneath them. It then launched its missiles at Dipper but luckily he dodged it just in time. After Dipper dodged it, Powerhouse shot a large energy beam at him but instead penetrated the wall.

"You think that robot can hurt me?" Dipper asked laughing. I slashed my sword at it but didn't even make a dent in it.

"Hey watch it! I just cleaned those walls! So at least try to aim for him!" said Enchantes stressed. I need to improve its aim...

"Dipper to Mabel! I need some help!" Dipper telepathically sent the message to her.

"He's in trouble... You guys wanna come with me to rescue my brother?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah!" both Cipher's exclaimed.

Mabel teleported them in front of the lair just in time to see Dipper running around.

"Hi Dipper! Watcha doing?" Mabel floated towards Dipper.

"We need to destroy that robot!" Dipper kept on slashing at the robot.

"Don't worry I got you bro bro! Twins distract the robot" Mabel said floating them towards it.

Powerhouse grabbed both the twins and threw them at the wall. Mabel tackled the robot until it fell on the ground. Dipper then stabbed the robot in the head and right when he did Powerhouse immediately shut down. Enchantes descended in front of them.

"Dang it! I'm gonna rebuild Powerhouse and then I'll get you next time!" Enchantes pulled a lever down which sent the robot down to the lab.

"Good job everyone! Who wants pink lemonade!?" Mabel summoned a glass of pink lemonade in front of them.

"I do!" Bill said waving his hands.

"Yeah! Come on Dipper let's go!" Mabel said holding both Will's and Bill's hand.

"I-I'll be there in a bit!" Dipper went back to the lair to see what they were up to.

"That was unfair! I didn't even get to finish my tea party!" Enchantes said kicking some rubble.

"You wanna do it right now?" Ava pulled up a small plastic and some chairs.

"R-Really!?" Enchantes said happily.

"Why not~ The construction bots are gonna take a while to rebuild our lair" said Ava passing him a tea pot.

"Yayyy! Mr.Snuggles sits next to me!" Enchantes grabbed his little dog plushie and sat him down next to him.

"Also if you think you're being sneaky you're not" Ava stared directly at Dipper's eye.

"Yeah! So leave us alone to our tea party! Unless you want to join us!" Enchantes said pulling up an extra seat.

"I'm going to let you two have fun..." Dipper teleported back to the mansion and joined the team for pink lemonade.

"Oh and by the way I still have that photo of you~" Bill said waving the photo in front of his face.

"W-Why!?" Dipper said embarrassed.

"I like it~" said Bill having staring at it some more.

"I-I'm going to get some more lemonade, I'll be right back" Dipper went to the kitchen and got some more.

While Dipper was in the kitchen he noticed Enchantes outside the window and he went outside to see what he was up tp.

"I guess I should probably head back to the lair" Enchantes said heading back.

"Not so fast..." Dipper grabbed Enchantes's shoulder.

"H-Hi! I was just enjoying the scenery~" said Enchantes sweating.

"Oh really? Why were you peeking?" Dipper asked increasing his grip.

"I was walking around enjoying the nature?" Enchantes said backing away.

"Sure... Here's your two options: Either you can leave or be sent back by me..." Dipper went back inside.

"I'll just leave!" Enchantes pushed something on his shoes that shot flames out of it. "I'll be back!" I said flying away.

Demon Dipper and Demon Mabel (Zero Gravity AU)Where stories live. Discover now