So do we have a deal?

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Dipper, Mabel, and Bill looked at the now closed hole to the underground realm with eyes of fear and horror. They looked back at the figure not knowing how to react or what to say. Silence was the only exception to this. They continued staring until Dipper broke the silence.

"W-Who are you?" Dipper said not knowing what else to ask. He feared if he said one wrong the same thing would happen to him.

"Why I'm Ace my dear" said Ace smiling with dominance. "I travel the multiverse seeking something that can finally bring me joy" I said looking up at the bright blue sky.

"I get that but I have just one question" Mabel said with rage in her voice. "WHY DID YOU KILL THOSE TWO DEMONS!?!?!?" I yelled now on the verge of tears. "WHAT DID THEY DO!?!?!?" I yelled running up to Ace and pounding on his chest.

Ace looked down at Mabel as she was making a horrible attempt to try and hurt him. Little did she know he couldn't feel pain as of pain was an element absent from his life. Mabel noticed this and started summoning hordes of undead skeletons that would obey Mabel's command of attacking Ace. Ace just stood there looking among the horde with a bright smile.

"Is this the best you could do?" Ace laughed knowing this was one of Mabel's most powerful abilities.

As the horde was approaching Ace he gave them a single glance and immediately they dropped to their knees and immediately started bowing in front of him.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE OBEYING ME" Mabel yelled scared of what would happen now that her horde wasn't obeying her.

"Sorry dear but they favor me more" Ace said feeling a bit of joy knowing how annoyed Mabel is. "If this really the best you can do I am quite disappointed" I said snapping my fingers turning the skeletons into piles of dust. "As of why I killed those two demons, I just felt like releasing some steam and showing others to not fool with me" I said opening the hole again showing the former demons now as skeletons.

The strange thing was that usually a skeleton showed all of the bones. Though these two skeletons only had half a skull. They noticed that the hole was 5x bigger this time and it exposed the beast that devoured them. The beast was like a gigantic wolf made of souls of complete darkness. It had teeth so sharp it could cut through an entire planet with ease. When the wolf looked up the sunlight exposed his glowing purple eyes. The three of them backed away from the hole not even knowing what else to say.

"The same goes for you three" Ace said noticing how much they feared him. He felt some satisfaction from this. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go get some lunch and if you care to join speak now" I said starting to walk away.

"Wait I'll join you!" Bill yelled running to catch up with Ace.

"Bill don't!" Dipper yelled making an attempt to stop Bill.

"Why not?" Bill asked with curiosity.

"You've seen what he can do. He's a dangerous being" Dipper said pleading. "Why do you even wanna go?" I asked.

"I just have a strange feeling about him" said Bill.

"Oh well, goodbye Pinetree~" Ace said smirking.

Ace teleported them to a close cafe and sat them down in a booth.

"Now that we're alone what was the real reason you wanted to come?" Ace said wondering.

"Well I can kinda conjure magic" Bill said summoning a small blue flame.

"So what do you want from me?" Ace asked with interest.

"I want you to help me expand my powers and control it" Bill said with excitement in his voice.

"You want me to help you? A being of complete chaos" Ace asked as he was looking at the menu.

"I mean you can control your powers pretty well" Bill said also looking at the menu.

"Alright well promise to take it seriously" Ace said placing his hand out. "So do we have a deal?" I asked while surrounding my hand in red fire.

"Yes" Bill said hesitating at first.

Bill shook his hand completing the deal.

Demon Dipper and Demon Mabel (Zero Gravity AU)Where stories live. Discover now