Sorry Cipher I can't help you

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"Ace help!!!" Bill yelled in desperation. "I can't fend them off all by myself!!!" I yelled hoping he would come to his senses and finally end this. 

No such luck came. Ace remained perched on the balcony above Bill as he watched him struggle. He knew if he interfered he would never learn. Magic was a hard thing to master but worth it. The best things in life don't come easy for this was the same way he learned. 

"Sorry Cipher I can't help you, I can only watch you" Ace said not sure if this would actually work for him. 

He was still struggling although this time it seemed more abnormal. The arms began to regain flesh and it rose from the ground revealing its unusual body. It looked normal at first but as Ace looked in its eyes he saw nothing but death. His eyes were like screens showing the deaths of almost everyone. When the being looked at Ace it blinked and revealed Ace's death to him. He saw himself hanging off of a cliff and below him was River Styx. The river that could consume anything in its inky waters. He knew that couldn't be true since his death was already decided.

"Don't believe me?" the being asked. "Of course you don't, you believe your death was already sealed but deaths can be altered if you know what to do" I said knowing the truth of this. "Well I would love to stay and ruin your lives but I have more important things to do" I said opening a portal and exiting this retched dimension.

"Wait who are you carrying on your back!?" Ace yelled noticing a mysterious figure on his back. The only thing he could make of it was a specific aligning of dots on his forehead and a hat with a pinetree on it that fell onto the ground as they left.

"A-Ace?" Bill said trying to bring him back into reality. He looked at the spot of where they left and notices a hat. "Ace that hat looks like-" I was cut off by him finally snapping back into reality.

"Yeah, it's his hat" Ace said picking the hat up and inspecting it. "We need to go back to that dimension and tell him what happened" I said opening a portal. "Grab Dipper, well at least our version of him" I said knowing I would have to face an alternate version of me.

*Through the portal* 

*Also AD= Alternate Dimension. These characters are from my other more popular book. These characters don't belong to me besides Ace and Zero.*

AD Bill Cipher: *Looks around seeing the Mystery Shack in ashes* What happened here!?!?!?


AD Bill Cipher: WAIT WHO!?!?!?

AD Mabel: I don't know!!! I woke up when I heard an explosion downstairs and I ran down to see someone carrying Dipper out! I tried to find them but I couldn't...

AD Bill Cipher: GOD-

AD Ace: Hold up I think I know who might've done this...

Bill Cipher: WHO!?!?!?

AD Ace: I'll tell you everything in a bit but for now we have to stay low. Little girl did anyone else get hurt?

AD Mabel: No they're in the basement right now *points at the vending machine*

AD Ace: Good, Bill come with me

AD Bill Cipher: Why?

AD Ace: Because this is war...

"Yes it is" Ace said holding Dipper's hat.

AD Ace: Hold up what are you doing here?

"I guess that thing came to our dimension and almost killed Bill" Ace said looking around for AD Bill.

AD Bill Cipher: Where's this alternate me? *looks around and sees him* Why am I that short?

"S-SHUT UP!!!" Bill said now embarrassed of his height. "I'm just beginning to grow" Bill said still embarrassed.

AD Ace: Okay, well anyways why are you here?

"I found this as he escaped. I think it was dropped" Ace said handing him the hat.

AD Ace: Bill we might know where he's going... *hands him the hat*

Bill Cipher: *Looks at the hat in horror* WHERE!?!?!?

"The city..." Ace said remembering what he saw in those thing's eyes.

AD Ace: But why though?

"I might have an idea of what he's doing" Ace said opening up another portal.

Demon Dipper and Demon Mabel (Zero Gravity AU)Where stories live. Discover now