Come tomorrow if you want

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"Hah I won!" Demon Mabel said entering the backyard. 

"No fair! You got a head start!" Demon Dipper said entering the backyard behind her.

"Not my fault you're slow!" Demon Mabel said teasingly.

"Alright whatever!" Demon Dipper said while letting Bill climb off of him.

"Guys look the stars are out!" Will said pointing at the glimmering sky filled with tiny dots of light. 

"This is the kind of view you don't get to see in the city" Bill said astonished at the alluring sky. It was like I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Back in the city father would never let me go outside and look at the stars. I would always have to work at the shop. Father always said the sky was never something that would interest me. Now that I get to see the sky in all it's glory I can tell for sure that the sky is indeed something that would always interest me.

"I just wish we could get a closer view of it" Will said with his view fixed on the sky.

"Same but I think this is nice enough" Bill said while hugging his brother.

"Dipper would you like to grant them their wish?" Demon Mabel asked with a big smile on her face.

"Of course I would do anything for these two" Demon Dipper said lifting Bill onto his shoulder once more. 

"Let's give them a better view!" Demon Mabel said while grabbing Will and putting him in her arms. 

The demons floated into the sky giving them a heavenly view of the dazzling stars. From up there they could see everything with no distractions. They felt the refreshing, cool, and crisp air against their skin and through their hair. They never felt such a feeling in their life. It was five minutes until Bill noticed Dipper's sword.

"Hey Dipper what's that?" Bill asked as he pointed at the sword from Dipper's waist.

"Oh that's just a sword" Demon Dipper said while drawing his sword out. "A gift given to me by my father" I said showing him the blade.

"Dipper! Put that away it's dangerous!" Demon Mabel said glaring at Dipper.

"Whoa" Bill said poking it. At my fathers shop none of the blades there shown no similarity with Dipper's sword. The blade looked like it reflected the galaxy. The stars on his blade looked brighter than any star in the sky.

"M-Mabel do you have any weapons?" Will asked while also mesmerized by Dipper's blade.

"I don't like using weapons but I have these" said Demon Mabel as she summoned pink bubble. "It may not look as cool as Dipper's sword but these bubbles bring happiness to anyone that comes in contact with them" I said pushing a bubble towards Will's general direction.

"W-Woah I feel funny!" Will said smiling for once.

"H-He's actually smiling!!!" Bill said engulfed in joy from seeing his brother so happy. It's been a while since I've seen him smile so big.

"The effects of the bubble last for a few minutes depending on how I'm feeling" said Demon Mabel while patting Will's head.

"We should probably get them to bed" said Demon Dipper.

"Awww! Come on Dipper let's stay up here for a bit longer!" Demon Mabel said while lifting Will into the air.

"O-Oh god!" Will said hugging Demon Mabel's arm from his fear of heights.

"Yeah!" Bill said while hugging Demon Dipper.

"I presume we could stay up here for a bit longer" Demon Dipper said ascending even higher into the glamours night sky.

It was around 11pm when they decided to head back to the mansion. As they were descending to the ground Bill and Will fell asleep while on Demon Dipper and Demon Mabel's back. Both of the demons noticed this and decided to just teleport inside the estate. 

"How could they fall asleep so fast?" Demon Dipper questioned as he put Bill in bed.

"They're children Dipper" Demon Mabel said while also putting Will in bed.

"I know but still" Demon Dipper said walking to the kitchen. "Would you care for something in the kitchen" I asked grabbing a sandwich from the refrigerator.

"Do we have anymore chocolate milk?" asked Demon Mabel entering the kitchen.

"Yep" Demon Dipper said tossing her the last carton.

"So what do you want to do?" Demon Mabel asked resting on the couch.

"I'm gonna go visit Wendy" Demon Dipper said floating out of the mansion and into the forest. 

"Alright well just don't stay out too long" Demon Mabel said retreating to slumber.

Wendy is the soul of nature. She protects the forest from all danger that is presented in its way.

"Hey Wendy!" Demon Dipper said while entering her cave.

"Hey Dipper!" Wendy said jumping off the rock. "Watcha been up to?" I said grabbing my axe and heading outside.

"Not much but I found these twins" Demon Dipper said following her outside.

"Really!? Can I see them!?" Wendy said excitingly.

"Sure I see nothing wrong with it but do you wanna come over tomorrow? They're in bed right now" said Demon Dipper.

"Awww~ You're like a father!~" Wendy said laughing.

"I suppose" Demon Dipper said heading back to the mansion. "Come tomorrow if you want" I said teleporting away.

Demon Dipper and Demon Mabel (Zero Gravity AU)Where stories live. Discover now