seventeen; comment

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also, sorry not sorry, i'm addicted to instagram post right now.

(this was suppose to go up on december 17th, but i never posted it💀)

vine of the day

"can i get a waffle? excuse me?! can i please get a waffle?!"


"yea, she just wasn't good for the group. hit and run on the hoes, ain't that right boys!" zion said to the beanz on live.

"yessuh!" edwin answered confidently. his gay ass.

"yessir!" i replied, not meaning it at all. i don't understand why people wanna treat their girlfriends like shit all the time. it's ridiculous.

"ight, well imma get off this hoe! my next instagram should be in coachella baby!! love all of you. peace!" zion said then ended his instagram live.

"how'd it feel making them think you're superior, brother." i said to zion, obviously being an asshole cause i could.

"shut up, b,"zion looked at me and rolled his eyes, "you already know the situation."

"what situation, that you cheated on alex and you don't want the world to know?" i scoffed at him. he got up and turned his nose up at me.

"you know what brandon, out of all people you're the one to judge? i haven't forgiven myself you know that—"

"and yet, you just can't seem to admit it to your friends and family? seems like a little bitch to me." i smirked and stepped a little closer to him. zion repeated my action.

"don't fucking start with me brandon. you'll regret it."

"oh i will?" i said, pushing my limit and stepping a little closer to him. my fists clenching at my side.

"ok, ok, chill, chill." nick says, getting in between the little space that was left between me and zion. he patted my shoulders and told me i was good multiple times.

"let's just get ready to leave for coachella it's gonna be great this year, okay?" austin jumped in and said. "alex is preforming. it's crazy how she's made it so quickly."

"she's preforming?" zion popped up almost to excited to hear her name.

too fed up with his bullshit i walked into my room and closed the door.

alex is one of a kind. she's amazing. her sex is amazing. her smile. her heart. the way she itches her nose after she sneezes. the way she feels herself after she has her nails done. her body. her glowing skin. her plump lips.

when ever we go to the beauty supply store, she gets so excited over lip gloss. her favorite one is the hydrating lip oil treatment.

it's just the little things.

i started thinking about what just happened back there. i shouldn't have done that. it's bad already that zion cheated on her and he still has feelings. but also the fact that i'm fucking his girl.  my day couldn't get any better.




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