Chapter 4- Babysitters

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I groaned, today the team was coming. Or as Percy, Damian, and Jay call them, 'the babysitters'. I have given up in telling them not to call them that.


"aw shit," I muttered, dragging my self out of bed. I ran down the stairs following the shouts. When I arrived I glared at Percy, who was sitting on the stairs with the other's eating popcorn. I attempted to pry Dami and Jason apart. I barley noticed Alfred open the door.

The commotion finally stopped when Bruce walked in and shouted: " THAT'S ENOUGH!" We all knew that voice. it was the: I'm not in a good mood, get in line and introduce your self. We all scrambled into a line.

"-tt- I'm Damian Wayne." Damian scowled at them.

I felt something drip on my lip. I whipped it away to see blood and sighed.

"Hello, I'm Tim Drake!" Tim piped happily.

"ello! Nice to meet you I'm Steph!" She jumped up and down excitedly.

Babs gave a small wave "I'm Barbra Gordon."

"Sup (insert greek curse here) I'm Percy Jackson." She said giving a cheeky loop sided grin.

"Jason Todd." He growled and glared at them.

"Casandra Cain" Giving a small smile and wave.

"Richard Grayson, But you can call me Dick." I chirped giving a wink before whipping more blood from my nose.

aaaaaand awkward silence.

"Alright, Now that that's settled. We'll be on our way. Come along Alfred." Annnd all hell broke loose.


Lots of shouts and yells were heard. "YOU CANT STEAL ALFRED!!!!" "FINE! TAKE HIM AND LEAVE US TO STARVE!!!!!!!!!" I broke the chaos by saying "That's okay. I can cook." They all looked at me in horror. " WHAT I can cook!" Still staring. That means I shall go to extreme measures. "Okay Okay. STARVE!!!" I snatched Lil' dude and made a dash for the kitchen. During the staring, Bruce and Alfred used that as a distraction to leave. Slamming the door shut I barracked it while Damian went to deal with the other door. So after blocking the vent and making sure no one can get in, I started to cook.

Lobster Bisque, a Ceaser salad, Double chocolate mousse torte, and of course my mom's famous recipe blue cookies. I made Damian help me. He was more than happy to. The kid needs to learn how to socialize so imma help him. He reminds me of Nico, but I don't think he's gay, he might it would be adorable. He was more than happy to help. I think a little love is all he needs.

I could hear Jasons complains and threats, which we sent right back. It was fun we laughed and joked. I could hear the whine of Dick "THAT SMELLS SO GOOD WHAT ARE YOU MAKING" We didn't respond the whole point was to make them suffer.

3 hours earlier


ugh. We just had to get stuck babysitting rich brats! Luck Nightwing and Red Robin not having to do this stupid 'mission"! I'm not even sure I would call It a mission. More like punishment! Once all our things were packed and loaded on the bioship. we were off. It didn't take us long to get to the Wayne manor. "They are going to be such brats," I growled sinking lower into my seat. out of the corner of my eye I see Connor nod in agreement. "I'm sure they will be nice!" M'gan smiled, Wally hummed in agreement.

10 Minutes earlier

The manor came into view we switched to camouflage and landed in the front yard. I sighed, the others were very nervous. I was nominated to knock. After knocking we were met by an old dude, and then a crash. "It's better to let them fight it out" he sighed in a heavily accented Britsh voice. He smiled "How rude of me, I am Alfred, please come in." he said letting us in.

Inside there were 2 boys fighting, a small boy who look like he was going to murder the bigger boy who also looked like he was gonna murder the small kid. They both had knives that must have not been allowed. There was 1 boy trying to separate the 2 while also trying not to get his head cut off. 5 people sitting on the stairs eating popcorn. Mr. Wayne came in and yelled at them.


And now we are here, hungry locked out of the kitchen that had a godly smell coming from it. With threats being thrown form each side of the wall.

Sorry, this is so short
but as promised!
the 4th chapter!
By the way I had to look up fancy foods so I have no idea what a Bisque is... but it sound like rich people food soooooo ya

word count ~808~

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