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HEYYY guys, I'm back
no one cares
ANNYYYWAYY I was gonna post yesterday but I got detention for accidentally calling my English teacher a hoe to her face and my mom took my computer and phone for the night.
I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! Now on with the story


We were all having breakfast all of us except for Percy, who was nowhere to be found. Cass told us not to call her Casandra because it was too long. Everything seemed normal so far but something was defiantly off, well besides that fact that Percy was not here.

Dick was making small talk with Kaldur.

Jason and Damian were glaring at each other which was a little concerning but Barbara said it was normal.

Barbara and Tim were talking about school.

Steph was trying and failing to do Cass's nails

As for the rest of us, we were just sitting at the table in awkward silence, kinda sorta listening to Dick and Kaldur's conversation. "Sooo" Dick started, "what's it like being a superher--" but was cut off by blue goo being dumped all over him. He looked up at the vents and growled "Percccccy" "You know the rules!" She hollered "I call dibs on Steph, Dami, and Babs!" She crackled.

It went from calm awkwardness to chaos is less than half a second.

Barbara was the first to react, shoving Tim off of his chair and then throwing his pancakes across the room. (Poor Tim.) She dashed out of the room with Damian following her who throw a knife a Jason.  Steph had to push Cass out of her way to go after them, she screeched "pRanK wAR"


I'm so dead, this give Damian the perfect excuse to kick my ass, (although I would never admit it he totally could! the kid was trained by assassins) I'm so dead.


When Thalia IM'ed me, I need a way to sneak out of the house, she wanted to talk to me about something but would not tell me what. So a prank war was the perfect distraction. Especially knowing the Wayne family, they would never miss a chance to fuck with the team. All I need was chaos and that is what I would get.

Okay. But knowing the Wayne family a prank war was probably a little too much but hey it what you get when you cross bored with ADHD.

30 Minutes later

It was hell, there were so many broken things the OG Young Justice was trying to control everyone. So I took my chance while everyone is trying to rip each other's heads off. (Fun fact the team was trying to stop Dami from murdering Jason!) I slipped away, ran to my room, wrote a note, and ditched.


(A/N Betcha didn't see that coming!)

Once I had finally managed to track Kelp head down (which was a lot harder than you might think considering that she leaves a wake of destruction where ever she goes.) I got in touch with Piper who had also been trying to find Perce.

It's been 30 minutes since we IM, I'm talking to Piper about stuff. We tried to find a secure location and thought that the tallest building would be that best bet, so here we are on top of Wayne Enterprises waiting for Percy. "Hey, guys!" a voice called. I swear I almost had a heart attack I didn't even notice her. "Geeze Perce a little warning next time!" Piper said getting up. Percy snickered, which earned her a smack on the arm from Piper "ooooooow! beAutY QuEuN!" she whined, I just shook my head "I can't even begin to express my disappointment right now" I sighed sarcastically.

I honestly expected the worse and thought she would look like shit, I mean she was a little sloppier than normal but she seemed... okay. She was obviously torn up about it, kids been through a lot. She was grinning her lopsided grin.

"Come on we can't stay here" she started tilting her head like a puppy.

"Why not?" Piper and I asked at the same time.

"Your joking right?" Percy snorted raising her eyebrow

"W.E is one of the most SECURE buildings in Gotham EVER! Don't even get me started on all the cameras! Besides we shouldn't stay in one place too long, especially since there are 3 of us this powerful. It's basically suicide." she rambled, ADHD don't blame her "Come on I know a short cut!"


I was sitting on the chandelier because I'm trying not to ya know die. Percy said she had some big plan and she just needs a distraction. But it's been a long time and I'm starting to think... no, she wouldn't do that... well yes, she ould because I would too. SHE FUCKING PLAYED US!

I let out a long whistle getting everyone's attention "Percy played us. She left!" I stated swinging my hands around in anger. "What!?" Babs asked it was a rhetorical question so no one answered. She did a 360 before dashing up the stairs. I followed suit and so did everyone else.

Slamming her door open we went inside expecting to see her chilling on her bed. But nope all we where met with was a note. Which Cassie read out loud.

"Hey people!

Sorry to worry you, but an old friend of mine was in town. Don't worry I'll be back later, please don't look for me! Eat my cookies tho and I'll kill you ;3c
-Percy Jackson
My phone being weird so I don't know what this looks like if it's bold or not so just go with it! 
Anyway that's a wrap!
Ya ya
I'll post in a week or two


Word count 973

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