Leon x reader

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Y̾o̾u̾r̾ P̾o̾v̾

You have been close to Leon as long as you can rember and are as close as you can get and even people assume your a couple since we around each so much on social media and just hanging probably because he's the champion and well you became a proffeser and even work side by side. But you've both haven't made a move on each other you both wanted to but you were both worried it would ruin your close bond with one another even all the gym all the gym leaders would ask if you dating each other.

"Are you guys official yet?"

Your good friend Nessa and gym leader asked

"No but listen Nessa I really like Leon for a long time as I can remember but I'm not sure if he will like me back and if he doesn't it will ruin our friendship!"

You went on a rant on how you don't know whether or not you'll make a move but little did you know she was recorded you saying that you love Leon and the whole rant as this was a plan that Raihan set off to finally admit their feelings to one another as some Nessa helped with because she shipped the both you together.

R̾a̾i̾h̾a̾n̾'s̾ P̾O̾V̾

"So when are going to make the first move?"

I ask Leon my rival or the unbeatable chmpaion while rotom was recording

"Raihan you know how I feel, I really love (y/n) with all my heart and I really just want to ask them out but what will happen she rejects me and we never talk ever again?!"

"Dude she's not gonna reject you have been BFFs since you were kids."

"That's the point (y/n) will only think me as a friend."

Leon looked at me straight in the eyes

"I love (y/n) but I don't want our bond to end I hope you understand,"

As Leon walked away my rotom floated to me and got the recording as Nessa walked in

"You got what we planned?"

I asked looking at the fellow gym leader

"Yep got everything you asked!"

She said with a small smile

"Ok then should I'll show your recording of (y/n) to Leon and you show the recording of Leon to (y/n) got it?"

Nessa nodded and walked away to show the evidence that they both love each other.

Y̾o̾u̾r̾ P̾O̾V̾

After an hour since we last talked she came back and said she wanted me to meet up with her

"Hey Nessa why did you want to meet up again we just talked like an hour ago."

"Well I just wanted to show you this video I found that I think you would like!"

"You wanted to meet up for a video? Anyway this better be a good video then."

She nodded as she showed me Leon and Raihna talking at first but then Raihan asked him when he was going to make a move and were worried that he found another girl but then he started describing how much he loves me and is scared it ruin our bond we have and you just felt relief that he loved you too.

"I got to go see him!"

You said to Nessa as you ran out trying to find Leon

"Wait for me!"

She said trying to catch up so she can see her ship sail.

L̾e̾o̾n̾'s̾ P̾O̾V̾

"This isnt another prank is it?"

I asked Raihan he simply shook his head side to side

"No dude she really loves you."

Wait so all this time I was over thinking things and that she lived me all this time and we were both scared it would ruin our bond and connection with one another.

"That means I get to go say I love them!"

I said excited to tell her I loved her and take we can finally be together boyfriend and girlfriend but will I be good enough you know what I will be the best boyfriend (y/n) has ever seen!

Now this will be a champion time

Y̾o̾u̾r̾ P̾̾o̾̾v̾̾

I took a flying taxi to hammerlocke city gym were Raihan and Leon would most likely be at as I ran through the doors and saw Leon and Raihan talking


I shouted and he turned around as I ran up to him and held his hand

"Leon I love you!"

You said to him looking at him in the eyes full of love and emotion

"I love you too (y/n)."

As he said that I hugged him and gave him a gentle kiss on his lips

"And I thought this would ruin our bond we had but is only help us be more connected to one another."

You said looking at him with a gentle and innocent smile on your face

"I love you too (y/n) will you make me the best champion in the world and be my girlfriend?"

"Of course."

"This will be a champion time then!"

"I bet it will."

You then walked off holding hands with one another knowing this would be just the beginning of the route.

While Raihan and Nessa did a fist bump.


"Wait where are we going again?"

"Leon were going to your apartment rember?"

"Yes of course do you have chance were that at?"

"This is going to be a while."


Hey everybody this is requested by nobody I just wanted to start writing some more so make sure to request how you want to see next and let me know of any typos!

(910 words)

(Not edited)

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