Chapter 6 - Cheers, Tears, and Fucks. Part Two

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Caleb and I joined the party together. We made our rounds, as Caleb introduced me to a handful of people. I was beginning to find myself relaxed, thanks to his near presence, and touch.

I noticed the many curious eyes, from the looks of those around us, as Caleb held my waist intimately. I know they were all wondering, if Caleb and I were a thing. The way he held me sure could have fooled anyone.

No matter where we went, he always made sure to have a hand on me. I guess he was serious about laying claim on me. I didn't know how I felt about that, but I couldn't deny that I liked it.

Clapping began around us, as I turned to see my dad and Andrew ascend the stage steps. They both stood happy and tall, together behind the spotlight.

Andrew began speaking,

"Good evening all! Thank you all for joining us on this special night. It is indeed a special night, but not just for myself and my partner William, who I've had the privilege of calling my best friend since we were in diapers." The crowd roared with laughter. "Today marks a special day for our children too."

Suddenly, Caleb and I were now in the spotlight, and were gazed upon by the many faces around us. I felt Caleb's hand on my waist, grip me tighter. I think maybe he was trying to let me know that he was here.

Andrew continued,

"Today William and I have officially passed our crowns down to our two beloved children, who will now take over our company that we have put so much blood, sweat and tears into raising and building."

My dad took over the speech,

"It wasn't easy letting go of our company. Fyre and Abbington Enterprises is like another child to us. We love it so much, but like every parent knows, there comes a time in life where you've got to let your baby go, whether you're ready or not. We're certain that this company, and everyone involved in it, will grow to accept, and respect our children, Claire and Caleb, just like they did for us two old geezers long ago."

Andrew took over,

"So, let's raise our glasses to—" Caleb and I were handed a glass of Champagne. "—Caleb and Claire! Long may they reign happily united over Fyre & Abbington Enterprises! I know they'll make us proud!" Everyone cheered.

Caleb turned to face me. His mesmerizing grey orbs looked down on me, capturing my full attention.

"Long may you reign my queen," Caleb said.

"Long may you reign my king," I said.

We clinked our glasses and took a sip.

"I love hearing you call me your king," he said. I rolled my eyes.

Later that evening...

"So, Claire, I've heard you're quite the musical prodigy. When will you ever grace us with your musical talents?" asked one woman with way too much Botox.

"Oh. I haven't played anything in a while. I don't know," I shyly replied.

"That's not what I heard. I heard you performed at the opera house in Boston just a month ago," said one brute. "My son Henry would not shut up about how in love he was with you after your performance." Caleb suddenly pulled me into his side and gripped my hip.

"And where is Henry tonight?" Caleb asked the man.

"Unfortunately, he couldn't make it here. He has business in Tokyo, but he sends his congratulations and says he can't wait to personally meet you Claire." he said as he eyed me at the end.

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