Chapter 1

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Shadowscale coward into a dark corner, letting his scales become one with his namesake. He watched in anticipation as he saw a shadow of a dragon shifting around, searching, for him. He held his breath, his heart racing a million miles per-second as adrenaline surged through him. It started forward, his breathing started again, slowly, but his heart rate increased. Yet he remained still, knowing that it was the only way to remain undetected.Watching as the shadow's owner came closer, and closer, until she jumped into view.

She was a dragonet, only slightly over one years old. Her green, innocent eyes scanned the scenery before her while she bound forward excitedly. 

"Big Brrrrrrrrooooooooootherrrrrrrrrrrrr! Where are yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!" She called as she ran forward.

"Are you.... HERE!" She cried as she jumped on a pile of blankets. She yelped as her purple form was swallowed whole, the scene nearly making Shadowscale burst out laughing. Nearly. She growled and clawed at the evil, dragon devouring blankets until she returned to the land of Pyrrhia once more.

"HA! TAKE THAT BLANKETS!" She exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at them before turning away and bounding over to the bushes.

"What about... HERE!" She exclaimed once again and she pushed back the bushes.

"Errm!" She growled as she stomped, starting to get annoyed. She continued to search for ten more minutes, getting increasingly more frustrated with each failed attempt at finding Shadowscale. Finally, she flopped down in the center and called, "Okay, okay! You win... AGAIN!"

However, he remained hidden for a bit longer, just being the typical mean, two-year-old older brother.

"Come oooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn Shadow! Where are you?" She called out, her voice cracking with the slightest fear. Did... did he leave me? He heard her think. After a few more seconds of silence, her lower lip started to wobble and her green eyes became watery. He... he left me? Alone? She thought again as small sobs began to emit from her. Shadowscale immediately began to feel guilty. Sure, he liked to tease his younger sister, but he hated to see her cry. He took that as his signal to emerge from his spot, as if he was a spirit rising from the shadows.

"You know I hate to see you cry, Firefly." He said when he was in full view. Firefly whipped her head around, the sadness vanishing as a large smile came in it's place. Without another word, she bound towards him and tackled him in a hug. Right as they made contact, Shadowscale gasped as a large, splitting headache crashed down onto him. Visions began to swarm his eyes, visions he did not like at all.

Queen Glory and King Deathbringer's bodies where on the floor, a much older Firefly roaring in fury as she charged a figure with dark eyes. He was laughing, a bone chilling laugh. An older Shadowscale standing in the middle of the room, his amber eyes wide with bewilderment as he had no idea of what is going on. He wanted to help her avenge their parents, yet, he also wanted to crawl into a hole, hide, and cry. Join me little seer! a voice boomed in his head, in future him's head that is. Join me, and the NightWings shall become the lords of all of Pyrrhia! He  didn't know what to do, he was so scared. He was a coward, he knew this would happen, yet he did nothing to help change it.

"Shadow... you're hurting me." Firefly whispered. Those words brought him back to the present.

"Wha-" He was about to say, when he realized he was digging his talons onto her back. He immediately let go and pushed her off of him, taking a few steps backwards as he did so.

What's the matter with him? Is he okay? He heard her think as she made a few cautious steps towards him. He was used to hearing other dragon's thoughts, it was something he was born able to do. But that? He had never had something like that happen before.

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