Our Love Will Be Remembered... (Ch 17)

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Chapter 17

After Gwen, I went back to school to study to become a paramedic. I had always been in a good shape; cutting woman’s chest up helped in that matter.

In our class of twenty three students, there was only one girl. One single girl.

And she had the mishaps of talking to me the first day.

Hayisa was too outgoing for her own good. She was happy, bubbly one even might say. She had sat beside me, with her big smile and had mentioned my obvious lack of enthusiasm.

Truth be told, after Gwen’s “condemnation” I was worried again. I was self examining again. Should I stop loving completely? Should I just try to help people now that I had taken so many lives? Fay, Margaret, Wendy, Ursula, Darya, Lucie and Gwen. Seven women. Seven. It was supposed to be a lucky number. Maybe it would have been wiser to stop at those seven. Stop loving. I had experience seven loves after all. Not many had that chance. But who would I be if I didn’t have love? What would be worth remembering?

So I told Hayisa I had a hard time lately, to see something worth smiling about.

And that had been it for me.

Hayisa decided to spend all her free time to cheer me up. She was the kind of girl that always had a joke to spare. Her bank of jokes was never low and she always seemed to find one to fit any context. Even in our class she was always interrupting the teacher. That almost got her in trouble many times but you had a hard time being mad and not getting attached to the girl. She was too lovable.

And being too lovable and loving was surely her biggest problem.

Hayisa loved many men at the same time. So while she spent her time making me laugh and enjoy life, hanging out together, when she wasn’t with me she was with other men.

Of course, at first I didn’t care that much. We weren’t in a relationship; she was a friend to me. And it was a protection for her. If she was with other man, than that meant she wasn’t mine and that meant I wouldn’t kill her because I didn’t love her and didn’t need to preserve that love.

But of course I got attached to her. My feelings grew for her. Her joy was contagious and I found myself wishing to have her enthusiasm. It was almost like I needed to be around her, like I needed to feed off that love of life she had and I could only do it when she was around. I needed to be around her.

And I needed for her to stop being around other men.

They were taking time I could have spent with her, away from me. They were taking her away from me. I had never really been jealous, because nothing like this had ever happened to me, so it was a completely new experience, and one I did not particularly enjoy. And I didn’t want to feel this way, because it was useless.

So I decided to stop seeing her. I could do that, what we had wasn’t actually love… But as always things couldn’t go the right way.

The adage that said that you want the most the things you can’t have was the perfect way to describe the situation, Once I stopped trying to get Hayisa, it’s as if her perception of things changed.

That’s how one night, she dropped at my door, with her happy smile, and asked me to go for a walk with her. We started in the park, talked about our classes, what we wanted to do in the summer that was so close by, and then ended up in the forest, talking about our feelings… well her talking about her feelings actually.

At one point, she was walking on a railing by a cliff and I was holding her hand, keeping her steady, she stopped walking, turned her head and looked straight at me and said “I don’t want any of them Tristan, I want you. Now I see it. I only want you.”

And there it was, the swelling of the heart, the breathless moment, the one we want to freeze, the perfect second.

I closed my eyes, savoring it, and then let go of her hands, and murmured, “Then our love will be remembered Hayisa,” her screams tangling with my words.

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