Lion Meets Jaguar

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(Third person pov)

Eric had just transformed into Leo heat, he looked in the mirror at what he had turned into 'hmm, nice' he thought to himself, he liked the outfit especially the teeth connect to the mask, he felt the need to adventure, he quickly opened the window and ran out onto the rooftops, he was walking around getting used to the night air when he someone ran into him, they fell over but Leo heat stumbled back catching himself, he looked at who ran into him, it was Lupin "Watch where you are going, were you trying to find your bone " Leo heat remarked, Lupin got up brushing herself down "Charming, what should I expect from a lion" Lupin sighs "I'm trying to find a brown haired girl about 5'4, shes also super kind, have you seen her? She was resting then POOF, disappeared" Lupin was worrying, Leo heat shook his head "Nope, but I will keep my eyes out" Lupin ran off without another word.

Leo heat climbed the Eiffel-tower getting a good look at the view, he looked at the streets but suddenly saw a glimpse of something, he backtracked his looking and saw a spotted jaguar with ladybug and Chat Noir.

(Eric's pov)

I sighed 'Welp, another damsel in distress' I jumped down to the scene "Cat, bug, let's take a break and stop here, hand over the beauty, before I burn things up" I stepped closer

Chat noir got out his stick ready to fight, as ladybug tightened the string so Spotted Jaguar couldn't escape, I sigh and say "I guess we are having a cat and ladybug barbecue special, made over done" ladybug flinched "cat, come on, we can get it later" she let go and ran away along with Chat Noir. I moaned "Aweeeeee! I wanted to fight you!" I sighed and looked at the crying cat in front of me "What is wrong, no one as beautiful as you should be crying tears of sadness" the girl looked up at me "They attacked me...." she seemed scared as she looked back down, I swear I saw flicks of electrical power come off one spot and transport to another spot, I kneel down and gently lift her chin to my face "Shut up before I kiss you" I watched her blush, the redness covered most of her face, she stumbled back stunned "O-ok" she stopped crying and stood up wiping her tears, I got up with her and grabbed her hand "I am Leo heat, what's your name angel?" I pull her closer into my chest until we connected, she stumbled to speak "I, am, S-Spotted J-Jaguar" she pushed me away and whispered something in my ear, a phone number, she then ran away, presumably back home, I turned on my heal and started walking backwards, I suddenly fell off the building, I used my grappling gun to swing home while on the way putting the number into my contacts.

(Trinity's pov)

I jumped through the window into my bedroom, I sighed trying to get rid of the feelings in my chest, "Boltina, power down" I was detransforming when a superhero ran in and looked at me, she looked like a Wolf, I was slightly surprised and was also confused. She started laughing "no way! You got one too! Luna, end the night" she detransformed and I saw summer in front of me, I ran up to her and tackle hugged her.

{couple hours later}
Luna and Boltina were eating, they missed each other but were too scared to say anything, Luna piped up "So, the transferring aye?".

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