The Lion First Day Of School

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(Eric's pov)

I swing into my open window and landed on my feet 'man two hotties in one day I must be the luckiest man alive', "Nova, solar down" I de-transformed and Nova came flying out around me "Eric! what the hell was that? why in the world did you flirt with two other miraculous holders?" Nova said with a disappointed tone, "Can't a guy live just a little? I feel like a different person whilst I'm in hero mode, anyways whats a little flirting with two beautiful ladies gonna cause?" I said with a smirk, Nova face-palms"Why did I choose you again?" Nova says with regret smothering his voice. I look at him with a smile "Go to sleep, I got my first day of the new school term in the morning , plus is there any kind of food you like?" I say trying to be nice, "Well I quite enjoy caviar, because of the excellent fish aroma" Nova says with a slight hunger filling his stomach, I grab my jaw before it hits the floor "...I cant afford caviar......" I say, Nova says  "Well that's a disappointment, you sure you cant get me even a little bit?", "I'll see what I can do" I say with sadness tightening my throat.

{The next morning}

I wake up to the sound of a thundering alarm, I turn it off and start to go through my daily routine (showering e.t.c),  I get dressed for a new school year "Nova I got you some caviar" I say whilst putting the box above him, Nova shoots up and starts to devour the small box of caviar "I thought you couldn't afford this?" Nova asked, "I can but I'm now out of lifesaving's" I say as I feel my bank account start to crumble. Nova goes into my backpack as I start to go to school, as I go down the stairs I see the corner shop owner Derrick "Hello Eric, you ready for another school year?" Derrick asked as he gave me a bright smile "I cant wait, I really cant, I heard we are getting new students so that blows" I say, "You know what I say everyday, a fresh morning, a fresh start" Derrick said with his optimistic aroma, "You know what you are right, thanks man, I'll help out with the shop when I get back" I say with a large smile, "All I need you to do is get the croissants from the bakery next to us" Derrick said handing me a note with a list for different types of croissants, "Alright I can do that, have a good day, see you after school" I say with a natural smile.

I exit the shop and start to walk to school, on the way I see two women, that look about my age, I ignore them and keep walking.

{couple minutes later}

I get to school, and suddenly a person with dirty blond hair come over to me "Hi I'm Ryan and you are?" He said with a almost annoying chipper tone, "I'm Eric, are you new? Cause I have never seen you before at the school" I ask him with a friendly tone, "Yeah, I transferred from Sweden" Ryan says, "Oh that's a interesting place" I say trying to sound interested, the bell starts ringing and everyone starts to go to class, me and Ryan part ways as I go upstairs to my class. I get to class and go to the back and sit down that's when I noticed the same two girls that I saw whilst going to school, come in the class and sit at the front two seats left abandoned, they sit down and i noticed one of them keeps looking at me, I ignore it and get through school, I go to the bakery and get the croissants and give them to Derrick, I shoot up the stairs. I open my bag and Nova shoots out of it "That was a good start to school, I even saw one of the new girls check me out, I couldn't remember what her name was on the register though" I explain to Nova "Sounds like a very nice day you had, you going on patrol today?"Nova asked me "Sure I got nothing to do maybe I even get to see those beauties again" I say as I let my imagination wonder. I exercise until it gets dark, as soon as it gets dark "Nova, solar flare!", I transform and jump out of the window and start to swing around the beautiful city of Paris.

{Bonus during school time}

A teacher was talking to a principal because he was getting fired for being late to work too many times, a same drone the same size of a 1 euro coin, lands on the teacher filled with anger, his emotions start to power the machine and the teacher starts to transform as nanobots start to cover his body, his body enlarges and his arms start to scrape across the floor as a purple mist start to cover his arms, when his eyes unite and turns into one big eye that start to cover with purple mist, the monster punches the principal and gets knocked down, and climbs out of the window and goes to the roof, were it spots Lupin and Spotted Jaguar sparing.  

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