New Kwami

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A fluffy Kwami flew through a spiralling vortex, pulling a giant box behind her, she looked forwards and saw the vortex closing, she panicked and flew straight threw damaging the box and her round ear, she closed her eyes expecting a hard impact, but instead it was soft and warm, a deep voice spoke to her "are you okay little one?" the kwami opened her eyes to see a large built man looking at her, suddenly a voice called out "hey Derrick! Im off to school!" the man shouted back "okay! Stay safe!".

The kwami looked around, the miraculous box had landed on a soft looking chair, Derrick sat next to the box "are you okay?" the kwami nodded "my name is slynie, unfortunately I damaged my ear on the way here..but I will be fine" slynie smiled happily, Derrick nodded, "I know..." he picked up the damaged box and opened it, inside was different compartments for each miraculous, slynie flew over "oh no...I dented it...." the small kwami flew over and picked up the only miraculous in the box, her own. It was a small silver coin, engraved with golden markings, Derrick sighs "I can fix this old box problem" he looks at slynie and smiled "until then, you can stay near me so you're safe, but afterwards I will put you back in the box, okay?" slynie nods "that sounds fair" she gave the coin up to him

Eric got to school normal time, he looked around but saw nobody "did I come in late?" out of nowhere a ball of blue energy came hurdling towards him from behind the school, spotted jaguar ran over and pushed him out of the way, Eric had enough strength to stabilise them both before they fell over, spotted jaguar looked at him "hi! Im spotted jaguar, got to go" she jumped away back towards the fight. Eric sighed "welp..there goes my hope for a peaceful day" nova flew next to him "just say the words" without hesitation Eric transfomed and was off to help spotted jaguar, he got to the fight and saw two villains, a red one and a blue one, fighting in between them was spotted jaguar herself, but the others weren't around. Spotted jaguar was thrown to the side as the red villain spoke up "I am here for the downfall of you hero's, give up your miraculous" the red villain looked up to see Leo heat "we have more company... Deal with this mind posser" the blue one nodded "of course destroyer" the blue went after Leo heat.

Spotted jaguar looked at the destroyer, thinking of what to do, suddenly the villain brought out a sword and was walking towards SJ, she had to think of something quickly, boltena spoke up in her mind "you must use your weapon, quickly" spotted jaguar pulled out the small stick "but how can this help..." as the sword came down on her she accidently pressed a button while using it as a shield, it grew and turned into a scythe, she smirked at the villain in front of her "now its a fair fight"

(with Leo heat)

The blue villain was attacking at all sides, her massive staff hitting hard, nova spoke to Leo heat "time to use a weapon" Leo was confused and looked at his belt "I don't have a weapon..." he suddenly got hit in the face by a spear knocking him down, a green villain came out of hiding, who was also trying to fight of lupin and shadow knight, lupin had a sword in her hand, a moon at the top of the handle, and shadow knight had a shield, created by the shadows themselves taken physical form, the blue villian went to plunge her staff through Leo heat, but he caught it, activating his weapons, a sword and shield made out of fire appeared on both his hands, allowing the staff to be sliced in half, robot drones came out of the weapon, along with the other villains aswell, Leo blasted the drones with fire, destroying them all. Shadow knight quickly returns things to normal, lupin walked over to Leo heat "YOU'RE A LITTLE LATE? Get caught in traffic?!" she seemed mad as hell, spotted jaguar jumped on the roof "lupin, enough, Leo heat, we are glad you showed up when you did, thank you" she smiled sweetly at him, shadow knight walked forwards "ive got something important to show you All" he opens up a shadow portal and steps through, expecting the rest to follow, they do.

{bonus scene}

A regal hero stood over looking the fight, he seemed disappointed and spoke to himself "they've found their weapons.... Interesting"

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