Summer's Party Crash Of The Century

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(Summer's pov)

I woke up in my dungeon of my room and Kye, being the loving brother he is, bring me in a cup of hot chocolate. I sit up and take the cup, "Why you being so nice to me? I have been out only for a bit.", Kye sighs "Well for one, you have been gone for hours, no not even a day. Also for second Trinity wont shut up about your health." . Kye looked at the door, "Come on drink that quick, we have a masquerade ball to start." He leaves the room swiftly, Luna rockets out behind a wall of arranged toys, "I didn't know you had so many toys, its a bit weird though, like that one is really bumpy and is attached to a belt" Luna says with a chippy tone, my face lights up with bright tomato red, "GO AWAY FROM THOSE!!" I screams, "Oh ok, I'm sorry eh." Luna says with guilt in her voice.

"Its fine Luna, I'm just really subconscious, about my "Toy Collection", anyways we need to get ready, and I need to invite the people from school" I says, trying to make Luna feel better, Luna looks at me "I could make your costume into a dress, and whilst we are on the subject on inviting people, how a'boot we invite Trinity and her kwami? Also we could invite that guy, you were checking out at school", "Hmmm, that's a great idea, plus I get to see him again, Luna go to Boltena and tell her to bring Trinity to the living room in a dress and mask." I says, with a devilish grin on my face, 'I wonder if he as good at screwing, as he is good looking', i wait for Luna.

(Trinity's pov)

I'm in my room, playing video games, while Boltena is munching on some ham, Luna shoots into my room through my wall, "What the hell?" I say dropping my controller on the floor, "Trinity and Boltena, lady Summer wants you to come to her masquerade ball" Luna says whilst bowing. "Oh ok, we can do it" I say with Boltena nodding her head viciously, Luna Looks at Boltena "May you make Trinity's costume into a dress?", "Of course I will!" Boltena stated with happiness brightening her voice.

"Wait, you could do that and you didn't tell me?!?!" I say shocked from the news, "Well...yea...." Boltena says kicking the air whilst her arms are behind her back. "Boltena, power on!", I transformed, I was in my normal costume, I think about a dress, Suddenly my costume gets circled by lightning and in a bright flash, I was in a yellow and black spotted dress. I look into a mirror and I see my mask has been altered aswell, the end got longer and my eyes are pure white, also my hair has become loose and is around the right side of my neck, "Wow, if I knew I could have done this earlier I would have, this looks amazing on me". I go down the stairs and I bump into Kye, "Hello... wait Trinity?" He said with a puzzled expression on his face, "Yeah, it's me, I look good don't I? By the way Summer gave me this outfit for the party" I say, trying my best to lie, "Yeah, it looks great on you, alright get down stairs I'm going to get in my tux" He said as he slowly walks away, "Oh, ok see you soon" I walk down stairs, 'Wait when is he never in a tux?' I think to myself.

(Kye's pov)

I rush up stairs after bumping into Trinity, I get into my room, closing the door behind me, "...Wait, where am I, this ain't right, why is this room pure black?" I look back at the door, it's gone, "What the fu...-", "Hello, human my name is Shade and I'm your personal kwami", a weird tiny panther thing appeared in-front of me, "What the hell kind of drug did I take by accident, damn it Summer, she drugged me", "Oh, why has a season drugged you." It says while tilting its head sideways, "It doesn't matter go away" I move it away with my hand, "...can i touch YOU?!?!?", "Yes, human you can touch me, I am made of matter like you are and everything around us, don't you know this?", 'what kind of drug am I on, am I in a coma, no that can't be right, I haven't been hit', "No, you are not in a co-ma, also you are in my domain so I can hear your thoughts, that's one of the powers I can give you if you become my partner" It said trying to persuade me. "Partner???" I said with a very confused expression, "Yes, if you put on this pendant, you will have the powers to control the shadows and make them into whatever you want" As he says this, a small tie pendant drops into my hands from the nothing, its black with accents of magenta, its shaped as a panther head, I put it onto my tie. "Good, now to transform you must say, Shade, let the shadows in" He says with a bright smile, "Shade, Let the shadows in!", the pure black rooms collapses on its self into me, I close my eyes and expect the worst but nothing happened, and when I open my eyes I see my normal room, I see my wardrobe filled with nothing but tuxedos, I go to the walk in wardrobe with a mirror at the end, I'm in a black tuxedo, with magenta lines running across, a black mask with magenta outline, my eyes are pure magenta, "What the... this looks really good, damn it the masqueraded ball, I'm probably late" I close my eyes and when I open them, I'm in the middle of the party room with 24ct gold walls and a platinum roof, "Ummmm... Hello ladies and gents, I'm ShadowKnight and I'm here to do what the ever the hell I'm supposed to do here", I see Trinity and Summer, but there is a guy who has is arm on Summer, "Get away from my sister!!!" I see red as I get angry, she said she won't have sex with random people again, the room envelops in the same pure black color as that shadow room. "Oh, shit...", everyone looks at me, I look around, I just want to go back to my room,hell even the top of the Eiffel tower would be better, I blink and I see the sky... and the top of buildings, I look down and I see that I'm on top of the Eiffel tower, I was too confused to keep balance and I fall, "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!!", I close my eyes and then I feel my body fling across the sky and I fall on the roof of my house, I open my eyes and I see the same guy from the ball, "Sorry man, didn't know you were her brother, hi I'm LeoHeat, and I just saved your life, so be grateful at least" He says with a grin across his face, "What the hell, who are you?" I say, "I just told you never-mind, anyways so two guys and two girls, pretty even team", "Team?", "Yeah, let me see, their is me, you, Lupin your sister, and SpottedJaguar. So yeah we are getting a team together".

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were one of her sexual encounters, that stayed", I say, getting up from the roof, "No, I'm still a virgin so I ain't had sex with your sister" LeoHeat remarked, he chuckles a little, "Well, I think I'm going to stay here, the masquerade ball was ruined by me anyways" I say going to the edge of the roof. "Don't jump, it was just a masquerade party" LeoHeat says as he looks at me, "I wasn't going to jump, not today" I say. "Okay, well I guess I will stay here to keep you company, plus Lupin asked me to help you, so when I saw you fall, I took out my grappling hook and caught you" he says, "Thanks, I really-", BOOM!!!!!!!

{Bonus before the boom}

"I hate this job, no one gives me the credit I deserve, I hate being a scientist, I swear I will use atoms to destroy anyone before me", a tall man with a lab coat on sits in his desk, when a small metallic drone fly through a open window and attaches to the back of the mans coat and, he's surrounded by a purple mist. 

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