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shashana· @minatozakisana
I'm tired of living
10:45 PM • 05 May 19

↳ 🦋meta @noia
Replying to @minatozakisana
don't say that
shashana· @minatozakisana
basically I have the right to say all I want to say
🦋meta @noia
sorry for intervening but I'm just worried
shashana· @minatozakisana
woah thanks but I don't need that sorry
🦋meta @noia
of course everyone wants someone who will worry for them
shashana· @minatozakisana
I have but it doesn't mean it can change anything

🦋meta @noia
so you want a change? it will come soon

shashana· @minatozakisana
yeah whatever let's end this

🦋meta @noia
or maybe tomorrow

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