7~ avani.

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It's December! I still haven't told Payton about Jaden. I don't plan to either.

I sat there caught into my own thoughts as arms wrapping around my body stop it.

I was currently sitting on the floor, leaning on Payton as the whole group, Noen, Anthony, Leila, Griffin, Payton and a new girl Avani talked around us.

We were at Payton's house as his parents were away and it was 12am.

Avani's dating Noen. They met through this tiktok meet and greet and he made the first move, if I had to be honest,

I do not like Avani! I went to school with her, she's the reason I started home schooling. She ruined my life.

Payton doesn't know this, yet at least, but she manipulated Jaden Hossler, my ex, to verbally abuse me throughout our relationship.

It soon began twisting into physical too, so I started homeschooling, ended the relationship like I should've done prior, and became a new person!

It wasn't good the fact I became a new person, I became an introvert, I barely even went out anymore.

To me, going out in public made me feel like everyone's eyes daggered into my back, reading every one of my insecurities like a book.

All because of what Avani told Jaden, and what Jaden has told me. Tears brimmed my eyes as the thoughts came rushing back in.


The door slammed open, it was Jaden. Avani had finished her job and told Jaden to officially end our relationship.

He would never let me- if I tried to, he'd threaten to make all our dms public, me telling him about how much he meant to me.

It might seem stupid, but he's forcing the relationship, so him spreading our private dms would absolutely humiliate me!

"(Y/N) you worthless BITCH!" Jaden screamed at me. Tears brimmed my eyes, blurring my focus.

"You little brat! We're done! You never had any use anyways, your a fat, crooked, little piece of shit! Look at you- sitting on your fat fucking ass all god damn day!" He continued,

"I'm leaving you! I'm with Avani and I always was! I never loved you! Go die you fat fucking whore!"

He grabbed my wrists so tight with his hands that his knuckles turned white, making me whimper.

"P-please I-I'm sorry. L-let g-go." I cried out to him.

He slapped me hard across the face before letting go and walking out the door, leaving me in my own presence.


"(yyyy/nnnn)?" Payton whispered, making me whimper out of my thoughts. Everyone was having their own conversation.

Payton suddenly noticed my tears and got worried,

"What's wrong (y/n)? A-are you okay?" He whispered, rubbing circles on my back as everyone's gaze started fazing to us.

I whimpered once again and wiped my tears, putting on a fake smile and speaking up,

"Y-yeah. Memories." Avani looked at me with a bitchy smirk before speaking up, making herself pretty clear to the others.

"(y/n), it's okay, you don't need to keep thinking about Jaden. Wait! The others don't know yet! They don't know how he abused you, used you in your relationship. Hurt you physically and emotionally, made you go through counciling and start homeschooling."

I looked at her again and I just broke down. The tears wouldn't stop. I got up and ran out to the street, not caring about any cars.

I could hear Leila yelling at Avani. Leila was the only person who understood what I went through. She had gone through the same experience.

"(Y/N)! Come here, please don't run, come back." Payton pulled me into his chest as I just cried into his shirt. He began slowly walking back as he rubbed circles on my back still holding me to his chest.

As we slowly reached the house, Avani was being forced into her car by Leila. All the others stood in shock at what had just happened.

"C-can I h-have s-some space- space please...?" I sobbed out, making Payton stop and kiss my forehead, pulling me in once again and whispering,

"Yes, please don't run again, we can talk about what happened. I'll give you space but don't do anything.. please." He slowly walked inside as he saw me sit on the curb.

**leila pov**

The bitch! She knew it was (y/n)'s biggest insecurity to bring up, it hurt her so much, and Avani started it all.

As (y/n) ran out of the house with Payton chasing her, I grabbed Avanis hair and started screaming at her.

Noen tried separating us but I had already kicked her into her car. Griffin and Anthony just stood there in shock.

**(y/n) pov**

I sat on the curb, my sobbing wouldn't stop. Jadens right. I am worthless. I'm fat and ugly and worthless and everyone probably hates me.

Payton. Does he hate me? I feel like I can trust him.

After about 10 more minutes of my crying, I finally wiped my tears, stood up and tried to take big breaths.

In for 5, hold for 5, release for 5.
In for 5, hold for 5, release for 5.
In for 5, hold for 5, release for 5.

You are not what they said you are, you are beautiful, you are worth so much!

I love you, I need you and whatever they say, isn't true. Don't listen to them.

You have your own unique personality, that's what makes you so amazing. I love you for it.

Don't listen to them.

My thoughts stopped as I stared at Leilas front door hesitantly. I slowly walked inside and saw everyone sitting on the floor in their old positions.

Except Avani was gone and Leila was partly sobbing into Griffins chest. Payton pulled me down slowly onto his lap and it just went silent.

"(y-y/n). You should p-probably tell them now." Leila broke the silence, making Payton whisper so only I could hear,

"Only if your ready bub. Only if your comfortable."

I finally thought everyone should know. So I cleared my throat and fixed my posture, sitting up straight,

"To start off. I'm so s-s-sorry Noen." Tears threatened to fall as I looked down. Leila began sobbing quietly again.

"I-it's okay. Whatever happened- it's okay." He sadly smiled at me.

And then, I began to speak and finally tell them my trauma.

hey loves I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so longgg! I got suspended because some girl tried to throw a punch at me at school so I ripped her hair lmao.

wHaT dO yOu GuYs ThInK wIlL hApPeN nExT?🗿

𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘬 ~ 𝘰𝘳 ~ 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵🎃 {𝗉.𝗆} STILL WRITING.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora