1~ grounded.

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"MOM! Listen to me, it was ONE party!"
"(Y/N) do not raise your voice at me! Please hon, we understand but, you are 17 for Gods sake! Getting drunk at 17? Imagine if he didn't use protection! What would you have done? Kept the thing or gotten rid of it!"

My mom and I were currently fighting about something that happened last week, I snuck out to a party, came home drunk, literally explained everything because my dumb ass was drunk and now I'm here. GROUNDED!

"That's it young lady! Grounded. A month. You will watch Maya and Ivy while your father and I go on our business trip, two months out, no parties either! we already hired a babysitter and he should be here tomorrow."

"Mom what the actual fuck? A babysitter, really? Do I look 6?" I fought,

"Your father and I are leaving now, bye bye, ALSO you will take the girls out trick or treating, you have a phone, call me if anything goes wrong. The babysitter is Payton from across the road. Love you, bye."

And just like that mom left, what the fuck? A babysitter? Well this babysitter can watch Maya and Ivy while I go out with friends, how old even is he? He lives across from us, he just had his birthday so I think he's.. 18?

I honestly don't care though, two months parent free, might be good, more parties, more time to settle into the new neighbourhood. I instantly call up the main hoe, Leila.

facetime incoming
ring .. ring .. ring .. answered

"Main hoeeee," Leila called,
"Hey boo, guess the fuck what," I answered,
"Anthony's party last week? grounded, yep I'm grounded! What the fuck? Now a stupid babysitter has to come and watch all 3 of us siblings like huh? Excuse me I am 17?"

"Ouch. That's gonna be hard. why don't we have a dip in my pool right now, I have some boys coming over, Anthony and his friends, it'll be fun-"

"Uh no. There are so many things wrong with that, one- I absolutely hate pools, hate the beach, terrified of the water, YOU KNOW THAT! And two- boys? Any girls at all?"

"Nup, just come and enjoy yourself, the boys will show up soon, see you. HERE."

call ended.

Her house it is I guess? I hate the fact Leila has a pool, whenever we got here we always have to go in it, at least she does, I am terrified of the water, just like the beach, I'm always scared of what's under the water, you get me?

It's like you could get dragged under the water any moment, taken down thousands of miles below the water, pressure collapsing your lungs  in the deep. Even though pools are clear water I still hate it, Ive never gone completely in and I never will.

By the time I finished ranting to you about my fear, I had gotten my bikini on and threw on an oversized hoodie on top. Maybe these boys are cute yeah?

I grab my iPhone 11 Pro Max and head out the door, locking it, and then unlocking my tesla.

{okay so in this story let's just say they can drive at age like 15+ okay?)

I know your probably like, your sisters! Where are they! It's fine, Maya's at a play group field trip thing, it's all day, she gets back at like 12. Pretty stupid right? I mean Maya's 9 and she comes home by bus at 12pm.

𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘬 ~ 𝘰𝘳 ~ 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵🎃 {𝗉.𝗆} STILL WRITING.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon