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The waters were warm today. He spun his ore in the water from the safety of his barge. They were made of metal disguised as wood, a wood that looked to be poisoned. The wings protruding from his back stretched from there stiff state. The doors shook to an open creating a screech throughout the cavern. A small girl stepped onto the warm bedrock. Her golden flowing locks reached to her shoulders but it was muddied and monotone in the low-light. However that's where her beauty ends. One would think her a ghost if she were to talk to you and her dress didn't do her stick like figure justice. He beckoned her over with a long boney finger. She slowly made her way to along the ground with a slow lag in her step. The girl looked at him, her head turning slightly "Why are you wearing a dress?
"This isn't a dress. At least not in my time" he said holding the ash black robe in his hand.
"well it looks like a dress" she said stepping into the boat "are you taking me to mommy?"

"that depends" he started pushed his oar through the murky water.
"Then where are you taking me?"

"A place where good people go"
A silence came over the waters as they floated across the ravine. She stared at him contently as he took his set at the edge of his boat.
"Why is your hair so long?" she inquired, shifting in her place "all the boys at home have short hair. Some don't even have hair"

He gripped the edges of his locks. Feeling them tickles his neck as they moved "I've never cut it."

"why not?"

"Don't need to and don't necessarily want to"

She pushed back her own bangs "I find long hair annoying. It always gets in my eyes and I can see"

Standing shakily in the boat, she reached up to here the boatman sat. She pulled his hair into a sleek line that reached to the bottom of his knees. She had a triumphant look on her face. Relaxed slightly "my face does feel less hot"

"I told you!" a giggle came from the back of her throat.

The barge hit land and the girl looked at him, tilting her head to the side "This is your stop" he cleared up. She pushed her dress down and hoped to the warm land. In the dark distance others could be seen talking and roaming the grounds "you'll be fine here" he started to pull the tie that was once around her wrist out of his hair. She looked troubled.

"your ruining it!" she exclaimed stopping his hand but disappointment had set in and the hair had been pulled from its state. She hopped back on the vessel and seized his hair. He sat there obediently as she worked. A person walked up to the barge looking astonished at the scene that was unfolding.

"Hello Thanatos" he greeted watching the girl hum as her fingers inter twinned with his black hair "I thought I'd never see the day were your softer side took hold"

"Humanity has some good left in it" he cast his eyes towards the girl "I rather enjoy with an innocent touch"

Once her work was complete, a long braid was snaked through the boat. Thanatos smiled "I thank you"
She smiled "your welcome" She skipped to shore and made her way allong with the man. Thanatos waved her off and descended back allong the river. On the other side a man stood in a slumped grumble. Thanatos gave him a wicked smile "Hello, there Dave" he cackled before throwing Dave to the boat "your going to go exactly where you belong. What you did is simply unforgivable"

"Say what you will!" Dave yelled "But the bitch deserved it"

A Psychopomp AnthologyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz