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Thanatos lay naked on the mat with Aiko relaxed against his chest . Both still warm with an afterglow of pleasure. Thanatos was so relaxed he stared with care at the near sleeping boy on top of him. His painted face that had smeared with sweat. Thanatos picked up on of the sheets that was lying on top of them using it to wipe off the makeup. Aiko smiled as his true darker skin shone through. He pushed his face into Thanatos's toned chest "Gross isn't it?". Thanatos wrapped his arms around his neck, squishing Aiko tightly in his chest.
"I don't think I can judge from just a glance." Thanatos sighed "Give me another look and I might be able to make a clear opinion." Aiko lifted his head as Thanatos's hands went to the side laxly. The psycopomp ran his hand over the others cheeks as the other looked up with tears building in his eyes.

"I'm too dark and strange looking. Too many strange blemishes and incorrections."
"I think you judge yourself to harshly. We all have imperfections but yours only show that you care too much of what others think of you."
"I have to. Once a lady in this bar didn't like the tea I gave her so she poured the scalding water all over my face and down my throat."
Thanatos push his head against his "So the scars around your mouth are-?"
"A grim reminder." Thanatos kisses the top of Aiko's head, enveloping him in his warmth. "Do you dislike it?"
"No, I think no different of you." Aiko sit up, legs encasing Thanatos.

"Who are you Laios?"

Thanatos stood upwards pulling Aiko up with him. Pulled a sheet out from the bed they were laying on and put it over the Japanese man's shoulders. Before leading him outside in the cold Japanese air. Wings emerged from his back and he offered his hands to Aiko. "I need to breathe the fresh air."

They were out in the atmosphere "You never answered my question." Aiko said clinging to Thanatos's neck.
"I don't think you'll like the answer." Aiko leanded up kissing him. "flattery wont work-"

Thanatos sighed "My name is Thanatos I'm a psycopomp."

"A guide for the dead?"
"If I was would you think of me differently?"

Aiko kissed Thanatos softley. His lips gentle and lovingly placed "No." 

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