Dance of the bell

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The music chimed in the winds as the festive yokai danced. It was enchanting and the God of death found himself entranced, however, he wasn't the only one watching the strange creatures from the hills. It was a given that Aiko's strange wolf he called friend was there but Thanatos could feel another set of eyes watching them. A pair just as entranced by the dancers as he. "She's called Suzuhiko hime." Aiko started casting his eyes to the lead dancer. She was wrapped in elegant sheets, too long for her small body. The sheets were festive and adorned with bells but these weren't a distraction from the massive bell encasing her head.

"Suzuhiko hime?" he asked, "What does it mean?"

"It means 'Bell princess'" Aiko answered "I watch her do this every 7 days. Some say it's a ritual to calm the gods but I just like the dance."

Thanatos watched as his bird Miu flew through the air. She mimicked the dancers in flight. The wolf, Kenta, wasn't so eager to join.

"It certainly is quite beautiful." Thanatos used his wings to prop him up on the grass "It's calming."

"I would hope so." Aiko laughed "They say her job is to calm the gods."

"Well, she has certainly achieved her goal." Thanatos propped his wings on the grass to keep himself up. "Does she mind when people watch?"

"No. I've asked her before and she quite likes the attention. You needn't worry about your friend in the bushes." Aiko said laying back on the grass.

"He's not a friend but I can see where you get the idea. He has seemed to follow me from the clouds."

"Has he come for you?"

"I doubt it, but if he makes you uncomfortable I'll ask him to leave."

Aiko leaned against the other, nodding into his Thanatos's bare arm.

The god lifted himself into the air his feet slightly leaving the ground. He walked over to the bushes were the godly essence of Olympus was practically glowing. He pushed back the leaves. There lay the bright glow of Apollo lying in the grass. A panicked look crossed music gods face. "Thanatos, I didn't mean to intrude."

"Is there another reason why you are here?" he asked sternly.

"Aphrodite." He admitted, "She sent me to check on you."

"She's the reason for a lot of pain in my life." Thanatos sighed and looked back at Aiko. The boy was looking at him with a pleading. "If you have no valid reason to be here, could you leave?"

Apollo shot into the sky. A yellow beam of light flew across the sky first around the dancers before going in the direction of Olympus. Aiko was soon running to his side. The boy sat stopped at his side "Miu is gone." He stated. Thanatos sighed, his wings pulling themselves up, sending cold winds through the air. "Will I see you next week?"

A soft smile appeared on his face "Always."

Apollo was staring at the little bird when Thanatos found him. The god lay across his yellowish sheets, the bird shivering in his hands "Is there a reason you stole my pet?"

Apollo looked up and fear flashed in his eyes. He let the bird go and it took refuge in ruffles in Thanatos's clothes. Apollo sat straight up and smiled nervously.

"It's quite the songbird you have. Where did you find such a beautiful creature?"

Thanatos knew that the God of the Music was trying to get out of his wrath, but he seemed to be genuinely infatuated with the small bird.

"I'll make a deal with you." Thanatos took The small bird and held her tightly in his hands "You answer my questions, I answer yours." The god took it into consideration before nodding. "I found her in the far reaches of Japan. She's been reluctant to leave me ever since."

Apollo smiled moved closer to him to watch the bird "does she have a name?"

"My turn first." Apollo's smile faded. "What does Aphrodite want?"

"Eros has shot an arrow into someone else. She wanted to see if you have met someone that person yet."

"Miu is what Aiko called her." Thanatos developed a knot in his chest at the thought of Aiko. "He was a boy I met in the forests."

"A foreign lover? How scandalous." Apollo laughed at him "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me"

"It's not exactly a secret. If Zeus can a poor girl knocked up every week, I can have a foreign lover." Thanatos explained 

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