Wolves of the Mountain

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Thanatos would rather talk to the dead than to other Gods, and he does. The God Aries had been killing an unusually high amount of people consistently for the last few days. Thanatos had taken the view that he had been killing to annoy him or to get at hades. Hades had given the deity permission to stop work. After all, what was a war without death. He spent his time in a land far away.

The early mists of the mornings were wisping over the deity as he lay in the Japanese plains. The sky calm as grass tingled his back. A stiffness from his unmoving figure creaked in his bones merely from his stillness. He pushed himself up, his eyes gazing to the mountains afar. Magnificent wings broke from his back and his body swam through the air with excitement. He could see a clear path to the moutain through the forest. Landing with grace he decided to walk from the forest to the Mountain pass. To take his mind to a place of peace and also for an adventure in this new land. He had visited Japan before. He always admired the difference in the lands between where he hailed the Chinese empire. He'd only reifly met the Gods. While flying over the country he had acidently flown into the clouds and into the sun herelf. A beauty she was. Amaterasu. She didn't take kindly to his intrusion though.

The forest was maddeningly loud. The trees seemed to be whispering in tongues as dark as there wood. A shadow was casted upon the grounds and Thanatos found that this place reminded him of the warmth of the underworld. To most this would be uncomfortable but to Thanatos it was reliving. His eyes were focused to the road infront of him. The sun sunk below the horizon and he found himself alone with the noises. The tweets of a bird could be heard above him. A sparrow the colour of a raven was flying stiffly thrugh the air. Soon a chorus hamonized around him. A tide of birds cicled him in mass making it nearly impossible to see ahead. A cold chill from the beating wings struct his back and he stopped. He smiled, watching the enigma unfold. "I can sing your song also young sparrows." He sucked in a breath and sung to himself.

"Chi, chi, chi calls the bird

maybe it wants a branch

if it does, hit it with one."

As if they were ghosts, they disappeared from the world. Had they ever existed? It seems yes as one found itself nuzzled into the nook in Thanatos's gown just above his stomach. He took a seat resting against a nearby tree. He rubbed the head of the bird, feeling its silky feathers that were pleasant on his calloused hands. The forest went still and Thanatos was suddenly very aware of the itching at his skin that was caused by a very watchful gaze. Turning his head back the way he came, the silhouette of a large wolf was standing proud and tall on the path. It was larger than any other he had seen previously, not that he had seen many, and had a vicious look on its face. Thanatos could hear the sniffling of a rabbit nearby. Waving a hand over the small creature it fell limp and he tossed it to the wolf. It only took it a second for it to eat it whole with a defening crunch. The large creature sauntered past him turning back to give Thanatos and inviting stare.

He followed he the wolf deeper and deeper into the forest. It would occasionally look back to confirm that Thanatos was indeed still following it. When it stopped the sounds of celebration and laughter filled the air. There was a building of small size with the words "売春宿" printed on the sign outside. Thanatos isn't the best at reading other languages but he had enough to know that that sign read "Brothel". The wolf trotted around the back to which Thanatos followed trying to remain silent in order to not interrupt the festivities inside. The wolf jumped upon the backdoor whining loudly and barking. A person came to the door, looking to the wolf with hopeful eyes.

"And who might you be? Dear stranger who has returned Kenta to me." They were a male. However they dressed very much like the Japanese whores you find. There face was covered with paints that accented a rather feminine look. "Your staring dear stranger."

Thanatos recollected himself "I apologize. You don't see many people such as yourself where I'm from"

The strange man danced closer to him, placing his hands across Thanatos's broad chest. "Fortunately for you I don't mind the attention"

"I'm sure you don't" Thanatos smirked, playing into the man's soft touches. "I'm a traveler"

" and your name?" The boy had a pleading look in his eyes. "Please dear stranger."


"That sounds like it's from afar" The man was rubbing his hands hypnotically across Thanatos's body "Aiko Ōgi."Aiko looked back towards the building "would you care to come inside. It's not often I see someone of your stature. A smile embraced his lips. He wrapped an arm around his waist and caressed his soft skin. Aiko smiled "I'm glad you can stay Liaos" 

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