Kiss from an Angel

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The thing about war is that it brings unlikely groups of people together. While Thanatos had agreed to primarily the people of Greece and countries of the likeness to the underworld, occasionally someone will pique his interest. It was the middle of the night, and a soft silky voice could be heard through the Austro-Hungarian air. Thanatos saw a small encampment of American soldiers sitting around a fire. The singing could be heard from one of the tents surrounding the people. They were battered, bleeding and sick. "Tomo has lost his mind." One of the soldiers said, "Caught the edge of a table when the bombs hit."
"Shit." another one took a sip from a canteen "Head trauma?"
"Worse yet it has an infection. I've been with the boy for three days, and he can only repeat that verse of that God-forsaken song, he keeps getting paler every time I look. He's not going to last much longer."

"Then I say we drink to Tomo. That something Good happens to him."
"TO TOMO." They all chorused.

They took no notice of the Godly figure landing beside the musical tent. Thanatos lifted the flap to see a deathly pale boy no older than 19. He had chocolate hair and Ocean eyes. He was lying on a random assortment of sheets staring straight up with a smile as he sang. "He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way. He had a boogie style that no one else could play." Thanatos stood beside him, humming along. Tomo looked up suddenly. He blinked rapidly.

Thanatos smiled and sat down next to him "He was the top man at his craft, But then his number came up, and he was gone with the draft."

Tomo shifted himself up. He is pulling his legs to his chest. "He's in the army now, a-blowin' reveille. He's the boogie-woogie bugle boy of Company B" He finished the verse and stared at Thanatos, wide-eyed and slightly shivering. "Are you an angel?" He asked.
"More or less."
"You are beautiful."

"Thank you. What is your name?"
"Tomo Bruno of the 4- no 5th div- no 4th Italian- no American-" He jumped and skirted between words.
"Tomo, Bruno. Cute name. " Tomo's cheeks lit up.
"I thought only girls are cute."
"I've met many cute girls and boys. Your one of them."

"Mummia says it's bad to call boys cute. That it's bad to think they are pretty."

"But I'm pretty?"

"You're an angel. You get a pass." Thanatos giggles at that.

A man comes in and looks at Tomo with a weird look. He was taller and sported a beard. "Tom con chi stai parlando?" He asked.
Tomo smiled and squirmed in place "Un angelo Stefanno! Potete crederci?! Sono reali! Non puoi vederlo È bello ed elegante! "
Stefanno sighed and gave Tom a pity smile. "Certamente il mio tesoro. È bello. Hai fame?" Tomo nodded eagerly, and the man sighed happily at the cute notions. He walked over and knelt down next to him "Tutto ok. Ti prendo del cibo." Stefanno places a small kiss on his forehead before trying to move away quickly. Tomo reached up and grabbed Stefanno around the neck, pulling him into a kiss. A shocked expression is apparent on Stefanno's face, but it melts away as he looks back and sees that in actuality, the tent flap had closed.

Tomo lets go and falls back onto the makeshift bed when he's out of breathing "Ti amo." He heaves.

The other man catches himself before he falls on top of the other. He hesitates for a second before saying "Ti amo più di ogni altra cosa." and leaving in a rush.

Tomo looked towards Thanatos, who was uncomfortably settled in the corner. Tomo laughed "Conosci l'italiano?"
"Yes, I do know Italian, I prefer Greek, but English is fine," Thanatos replied, moving closer. "That was interesting."

"Can you kiss me?"
"My mummia says that kisses from your true love are better than kisses from the angels themselves."
"Did your Mummia mean that about girls or boys?" Tomo shrugged and eagerly awaited an answer. "Okay fine." Thanatos pushed himself closer to Tomo, grabbing his cheeks and giving him a peck.

Tomo hummed for a minute before saying "It was okay, but I prefer Stefanno."

Thanatos huffed standing up "I'm out of practice." He started walking to the tent flap, and Tomo turned his head like a dog watching his owner leave.
"I thought I was coming with you." He stated.
"Not yet. I'm going to call in a boon of Eipone" He answered, walking out. Tomo pushed himself up and ran out of the tent as Thanatos's wings unfolded and the winds took him to the sky.

Stefanno padded to the younger boy following his line of sight upwards. "Cosa c'è nel cielo?"

Tomo smiled, turning back to his tent "Un angelo solitario."

Entire conversation Between Stefanno and Tomo:

Tom who are you talking to?
An angel Stefanno! You can believe?! They are real! You can't see it? It's beautiful and elegant! Certainly my treasure. It is beautiful. Are you hungry?All right. I'll get you some food.I love you
I love you more than anything else.

Do you know Italian?

What's in the sky?A lonely angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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