Chapter Twelve

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"You've got everything?" his mother leans against the doorway, a worried expression flits across her face before she manages to get ahold of her emotions.

"Yeah." Ethan pats the duffel bag beside him as he patiently waits for his phone to charge up with jittery feet. He couldn't believe his parents agreed to this. It's been a while since Aiden Kent and the Elites came to their house. It was just last night, but still, why are they suddenly so keen to agree that soon?

He doesn't understand though, why Elite-One requests a one-on-one talk with his father right after that. And when they came out, why had his father looked like he bathed in the holy water—his face shining as if God has made himself known to men. Whatever that was, it solidifies his father's decision.

Sure, he trusts his parents' judgments but this is uncharted territories, hell, everything involving him is uncharted territories. Deep, deep down, Ethan felt an inkling feeling to trust Elite-One and her missing partner, Elite-Four, who was doing perimeter check above ground. Or so they've been told.

"Good." Mara nods. She made herself comfortable by sitting on the bed beside him. There was an unknown cautious emotion flashing behind her hazel eyes. She sighs sadly as the voices down below grew louder.

"You can't, dad! Why am I going with him? I have my whole life right here. You can't just take it away like that!"

Outside, Ethan's heart hammered. Upset would be an understatement. Cole was angry at the choice his parents had made. Both of them thought it'd be best to send Cole along with him so he's not going to be alone to wherever it is the Elites are taking them.

"It's always Ethan this, Ethan that, doesn't it?" a bittersweet laugh escapes Cole's mouth, echoing throughout the entire house. "I don't get a f**king say about this. I never get a goddamned say in everything."

"That's not true, son," their father argues.

"Don't call me 'son'." Cole spat. "All you care about is him, isn't it? Everything we did was to 'protect' someone who isn't even your real son! He was the reason we moved here, wasn't he?!"


"I had enough."

Ethan hears a door slam and not long after, the front door slamming. He didn't hear the sound of a car so his brother must've left on foot. He glances at his mother, someone who maybe was a stranger six years ago but still worthy of the name she bears. Mom.

She had a flare around her. Blue as the sun reflects onto the sea. Her eyes glassy and lips trembling, trying so hard to not have a breakdown. Ethan could see just how much restraint she needed to hold them off. And it wasn't much.

Ethan wants to console her, tell her everything's gonna be fine; Cole isn't one to make a reckless decision and he was sure as hell he didn't mean to leave the house. But every word died on his tongue, causing him to stare at her uncomfortably.

Mara sniffs once. She smiles through her teary eyes at him and says, "I'll go calm your father."

When, in reality, she's the one that needed to calm down. Ethan manages a nod, tapping his finger onto the table. Mara left the room, dragging her grey cloud along. Now with the situation turned, are they still going to leave? Will he leave alone?

There were, yet again, spam texts from Juan and a couple from Kyle but Ethan doesn't know what to answer. They didn't know why he's been unresponsive. There was a heavy feeling of guilt deep in his stomach knowing that he lied to his closest friends. And Emilie.

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