Chapter Fourteen

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A single knock in the early morning signifies the wake of everyone. Ethan knew what to be expected; psychical tests and mental evaluation. At least, that's what he hoped. He showered earlier to get rid of the anticipation of waiting.

He checks his phone but as expected, there's barely any signal. There is no signal. No internet. How is he going to call Mara? Or Levi? It's as if he had never existed. He sighs, shoving his phone deep into his bag.

Cole is still sleeping. Granted, his brother wouldn't do much good here except doing the jobs that have been assigned to him. And it bothered Ethan's heart, knowing Cole had lost his life and flunked senior year—the best year of all—to come and live in the woods with his brother only because he is an unnatural cause.

"You can do this. Come on." He urged himself, his hands turned into fists. So he stood and left the room.

Kent is already there, strapped in a jacket with an annoyed expression on his face. The Elites, no question there, sat around the kitchen island. Both are staring at the director of the CIA with looks that he couldn't identify. Kent turns his head.

"Good. You're here."

Ethan thought he saw the barest hint of a smile on the director's face but chose to ignore it. His mind tugs at something but he couldn't tell what it was, like a sense of dread but it kept sinking to the bottom of the sea. Hesitating, he moved to sit on the bench, a meter distance between Kent.

"Ethan." Four address him. "Do you know how to properly fight?"

He shrugs. "I could throw a punch or two."

Four exchanges a glance with One. The girl shakes her head slightly. Four turns to Ethan, sighing. "We want to see how far your strength goes."

"So, why are we doing this again?"

Ethan stood in a clearing, watched as Joey strips his jacket. The sun already starting to peek from its hiding place below and breeze becoming less strong. Kent and One stood at the edge, Kent with his tab and One leaning against the tree.

Four starts to shed his jacket.

"I need to know your limit, Ethan Parker, or perhaps you'd like to fight with One?" Four raises a brow.

He shakes his head. No way, he's going to fight with her. She's a girl. He can't hit girls! Though, Elite-One might have a better chance at surviving other than the rest. He shudders when he thought of Trevor. He doesn't want to know what he could do to a professional.

"Go." One suddenly says.

Ethan feels the alarming bells ringing in his head when Four charges toward him, his fist swinging. Ethan just barely made the time to duck and tries to kick his leg. A bad move though it did make an impact on Four as he winces. Ethan backs a few steps.

The Elite advanced towards him, his eyes calculating Ethan's move. Punches were thrown and Ethan attempts to block but Four punched hard. He felt dizzy. Four's movement is fast and well, like a trained fighter. His, however, aren't as fast as he is but if he could put his mind to it, he could hit him hard.

Ethan focused on the rage that has been simmering there for a while. Rage for not being able to at least have a normal life. Rage at how he lost everything. And Emilie.

God. Emilie.

He promised to call. He promised.

"You're losing it, Ethan!"

Distinctly, he heard One yelling at him. But he paid her no attention. The world blurred itself around him. His hands become fists, feet digging itself into the ground. Without realizing, his hands have come in contact with something. Skin. Flesh.

Four groans as he flew backward, hitting a far-away tree. A faint thud sounded in the air. Ethan winced, eyes finally open. His hands limply fall back to his sides. He heard One cursed, jogging over to Four. He heard Kent's slow, measured steps towards him.

A hand clapped his shoulder. "Impressive."

No. He felt sick. His eyes watched Four as he leaned to One, holding onto the tree. From here, he could see a trickle of blood from a cut on Four's forehead. The Elite groans again. Dread slowly filled Ethan's stomach. He felt like he wants to puke.

He did. He bends down, groaning as a nasty smell filled the air. Kent cursed and he went to his knees, holding him up. After what felt like a long minute, he was ushered back to the cabin, half stumbling but Kent's hold around his arm did not lessen.

"What's going on?"

He heard his brother faintly, breaking out of the silent treatment that Cole's giving him.

"Did your brother ever had panic attacks?"

"Shut up," Ethan mumbles. He wasn't even sure he said that. His head is spinning around—the world is spinning around and he got nothing to hold on as it spins him to oblivion.


Drops of cold liquid fell onto his skin.

"Give me that."


Rushing water poured over his face, whole head, he felt his shirt getting wet. He groans, hand on his head. The cold water made him awake in more ways than others. His eyes open, blinking at how bright it suddenly is.

"Ethan?" Cole's face zoomed in to him. "You okay?"

Hazily, he nods his head, trying to sit. A hand pushed him back onto the bed. He realized he's in his room—his and Cole's.

Wordlessly, One slides a mug towards him. Ethan groans but he felt slightly better. He now realized there are people here. Lots of them. Kent to his left, followed One and then his brother, Cole on the other side. Barnes is nowhere to be seen but that thought didn't bother him at all.

"Thanks." He manages to say. "Is-is he okay? Four?"

One snorts. "Yeah. He's fine. He's resting too. You're good to go actually, though you can be better with practice. But you'll be at a disadvantage if you puke every time you hit someone."

He knows. He needs to work on that. Shutting his eyes again, he wished this dream ends soon. 

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