Strangers in a Strange Place [Nita]

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As always, Nita stood by as others talked about serious and important things.

The new people seemed nice enough and didn't exactly pose any threat to Nita or Sandy just yet, but the new surroundings made her think she was on a different planet up in the stars that Bo always spoke of.

The buildings were huge, with cylinder roofs and many rooms inside each one of them, and there were various other smaller "shacks" that housed many items that the new person Jessie described to be known as stores.

Sandy had later explained to Nita that this place was called Brawl City and that there was over 500 people who lived there. He seemed very excited about it.

Nita? Not so much.

She never really liked it when there was more than two people around her, and it usually made her extremely uncomfortable. So the fact of 500 people possibly watching her from every which way scared her to death. She didn't know that that was very unlikely though.

It was dark now, and Nita and Sandy were allowed to stay with Jessie after they had gotten to know each other. Sandy didn't exactly tell any details about where they were going to go at this point, but even just being in this strange place with him was more fun than the forest and her annoying brother, Leon.

Later that night, Sandy told Nita that Jessie was apart of a family known as the Junkers, and they were famous around Brawl City for their robots and inventions.

Jessie's mother, Pam Junker, was who owned most of the surrounding buildings, which in whole was called The Scrap Yard. They lived in one of the larger Warehouses, and everything there confused Nita.

Jessie explained to Nita about these concepts known as the "sink" and the "bathroom".

"So... I is supposed to use this to wash my hands?"

"Yes. You turn this knob here," Jessie pointed at a button-like contraption, "Wait for the water to get hot, and then you put soap on your hands and wash them. It's not that hard you know."

"But why not just use a lake to wash hands?"

"Well, because lakes aren't clean! Do you want all of those waterborn germs on you? I sure don't!" Jessie seemed to shiver at the thought.

Nita was confused. "What are germs?"

Jessie sighed. "Hey, you know what, how about I just help you get cleaned up and we can talk about this later okay?"

"Okay... I want to know what germs are though. So we can start with that when we done." Nita said confidently.

"Yeah okay... After we're done in here your friend will get a chance to clean up as well."

"Why can't he just be in here at the same time as us?"

"What? Because he's a boy!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Well what wrong with that? Most boys aren't bad. And I know Sandy isn't. At least he don't seem to be so far..."

"No, no, no. I know he's not bad! I mean like uh... Boys are different from us and they need their privacy. And so do we. We aren't the same I mean."

"What do you mean we aren't the same? Boys are no different than us." Nita said innocently.

"Look I think my mom will be able to explain this better than me. Once we're done you can talk to her okay?" Jessie suddenly looked tired to Nita.

"Okay. I still won't believe boys are different from us though." Nita crossed her arms.

"This is going to be a long night..." Jessie mumbled.

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