home for xmas

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James had been doing a lot of interviews and rehearsing for Cyrano de Bergerac for the last three months all his focus was on the play. He had lost countless nights of sleep practicing scripts wondering if his performance would be good enough on the night, he was riddled with worry. James was often working a lot away from home and even when he was home he still rehearsed alone in his room. But for two whole weeks he was off free for Christmas and new year he very rarely got time off and even when he did again always working always got some sort of task to do, but Christmas was special it was a time for family and friends giving,
sharing, loving and caring for one another.
this Christmas you wanted nothing more than to spend these two weeks of with your wonderful boyfriend you had so many plans going Christmas shopping was always fun but James would probably get bored after a couple hours, putting up the Christmas's tree was yet to be done because James had put it off till now, watching Christmas movies with James inside snuggled up in a blanket YES this Christmas break was going to be the best one yet.
James walked down the road as cold air hit his face he saw shining lights Christmas's songs were on loop everyone smiling and waving he could see the paparazzi at the corner of his eye he turned and waved as he entered his house.
James Slowly creaked the door open he saw you in the kitchen cleaning dishes. he put his bag down softly on the rug closed the door as quietly as possible then he slowly and sneakily made his way down the hall way. "BOO" he shouted in your ear to startle you as he held your hips making you scream back in return " JAMES for god sake don't scare me like that I almost had a heart attack" u said in a scolding tone he chuckled in your ear you couldn't hide the smile on your face as he placed a kiss on your temple.
James sat down on the couch with his feet up scrolling threw Instagram as you came threw you sat beside him. "How did your day go James?" You asked as you turned the tv on but got no reply you turned to look at him to see him ignoring you on his phone u smiled to yourself. "James how was your day?" You asked again but got no reply swiftly you snatched his phone and put ur arm up in the air James looked up smiling then grabbed ur waist tackling you and pinning you into the couch. " why do you wanna know" he said in a teasing tone then nuzzling into your neck making you giggle he looked into your eyes and raised a eyebrow " I asked you a question first" you said teasing back and shaking ur head at him. He went to kiss you, you ducked away " no kissing till you answer my question" you say teasing smiling up at him he pauses slowly leans and puts his mouth to your ear "is that so" he says smiling to himself,then digs his fingers into your sides making you curl into yourself as he tickles you. He stops looks down at u as you catch your breath " yeah my day was great better now I'm home with you" he leans in and he kisses you slowly and passionately.

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