Shopping seriously?

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you woke to the light shining threw the curtains slowly sitting up you rub your eyes as they adjust to the light. You walk to the bathroom splash your face with cold water look in the mirror now to wake James up. You nudged James once nothing...again there it was that tired groan you hear every morning "James come on we have to go shopping for Christmas decorations and get the tree up be up by the time I'm out of the shower please" you say as you go back into the bathroom lock the door taking of your clothes as you turn the hot steamy shower on.
Meanwhile James groaned tossed and turned then reluctantly got up he looked in the mirror at his puffy hair as he threw on a new white shirt with his black jeans then slipping his socks on along with his black trainer shoes. You unlocked the shower door to see James sitting there on his phone he turned around to face you, you stood there towel around you covering you up he smiled and looked you up and down then bit his lip you rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at him you both chucked to yourself.
You and james sat at the breakfast table James eating bacon and most importantly egg he liked to keep fit." Babe do we seriously have to go Christmas shopping" he whined like a little kid you looked up and smiled then said "yes of course we do we haven't even got the tree up yet and it's already December the 12th" James sighed and rolled his eyes making you giggle at how childish he was being.
" JAMESSSss come on were going to be late there going to be all sold out of decorations" James shouted back in return "WE AREN'T STAYING FOR AGES REMEMBER" you giggled to yourself and shouted back " no don't worry we will be quick because we've got to go get Christmas cards for family" James groaned heavily as he walked into the hall you laughed as he grabbed the car keys and you both set of to the mall.
the mall was extremely busy for a Monday morning people rushing around in and out of toy stores loud music the lights flashing. James whispered in your ear " remember we're only getting a couple of things and not staying for hours...right?" You turned to him and glared he then stopped and you both walked along looking into stores with bold brightly coloured lights " OH oh James look" you said eagerly getting his attention " this would be perfect for top of the the tree" you picked up a star it was covered in gold and silver sequins it sparkled whenever the light hit it.
It had all ready been a hour you had gotten silver and white tinsel ,a new tree, lovely coloured Christmas bobbles gold and silver covered in glitter and the perfect star to go on top. James moaned and moaned the whole way threw picking cards some had funny jokes some were dull and sentimental. James by the end was exhausted and it was only
eleven thirty AM.
"Babe come on we have been here for ages we have the cards the decorations we have everything" you thought for a moment then nodded smiling meeting James eye he smiled back kissing you lightly you both walked out of the mall and into the car.

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