Christams decorating

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Once you both got in the house settled in got a cup of tea both relaxed you decided to put the tree up "Babe be a darling and unbox all the decorations while I put up the tree?" You smiled up and looked at James and ran to the boxes of decorations Christmas was your favourite time of year. James chuckled to himself as he put up the Christmas's tree it didn't take long at all, " so I think we should put the star on last for the top of the tree and stripe the white and silver tinsel round the tree then add the bobbles" James nodded in agreement then paused his thought " wait a minute we don't have the Christmas lights downstairs yet" you thought confused to what he was talking about then smiled " oh yeaaah the lights we bought last year I completely forgot about them" he smiled back in return ran up the stairs rummaged through a couple of drawers and finally found them. "Babe I'm just gonna get a coffee for me and you while I'm doing that you can untangle the lights" you both nodded at each other.
James opened the fridge grabbed the sugar out the cabinet added the ground up coffee beans into the mug then boiled the kettle, meanwhile you were trying to figure out were the lights start and end. James stirred the coffee took a long sip of his closed his eyes suddenly " JAMES James help I'm...kind of stuck" he walked into the living room to see you standing there all tangled up in Christmas lights you both laughed " your supposed to be decorating the tree not yourself" you both chuckled he came close kissed you but you both just laughed into the kiss he stood back stared as u both were in stitches.
" how do you even get yourself tangled up like that" he laughed as he helped you out finally you got out and James untangled all the lights. After a while of you both laughing and kissing on you both looked up at the tree " right we better get this tree decorated" you both agreed and stood up, you both laughed and giggled your way threw the decorating,chased each other round the tree with the tinsel and carefully placed the bobbles on the tree.
You both stood back and admired both of your decorating skills. "Something is missing" James said confused as he looked the tree up and down you instantly thought and smiled " the sparkly new star we bought" you got it out the packaging and went upstairs "now all we need is the ladder to put this up" James smiles at you and shook his head " you don't need a ladder when you have me" he smiled then without any warning he picked you up by the hips and hoisted you up to the top of the tree you laughed as you placed the sparkly new star on top of the tree you stared at it smiling. suddenly you got pulled away and spun threw the air you squealed as you spun round the to be placed on the couch James straddled you and deeply kissed you as you ran your hands threw his hair. He pulled away as you looked back at jamed who was smiling you then looke into his deep blue eyes feeling his hot husky breath on your face you smiled back as you both fell over to the side and cuddled on the couch till it went dark outside.

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