Chapter 9

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I was encoding some research into my laptop because I'm going to pass it next week, this research got me serious lately.

I massaged my head coz its been 3 days no proper sleep for me but because I saw her, it made me inspired to finish this and go with her. After I left her place, I really miss her so bad. That's why I ask my assistant, Fred to find her personal files.

Just that evening I figure out that she really is 15 years old and studying at Flintson Academy. It made me think something brilliant. I let Fred handle my file for resign at East Bridge University, actually its one of grandfather's foundation together with Mr. Bridge. But my brother Erros totally understand, so he approved.

I continued encoding when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in !" suddenly the door opened, my eyes saw an Angel wearing a uniform and her pigtail hair. Her perfectly gray eyes suits her red kissable lips :) my heart pounded when she smiled at me.

"I bought you coffee, Sir " she lifted her hand seeing 2 cups of coffee.

"Please come inside" She closed the door , I went unto her and i locked the door.

"Hey ! Why did you looked the door ?" She asked me, I looked at her.

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