Chapter 13

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I parked my baby and rushed to the elevator and to my unit. Its already 7am, gosh ! it took me 5 hours to take good care of my hard-headed best friend. As I went in I smelled a very aromatic grilled beef... beef steak. Kyaaaaa ! I got this feeling of like the smell is carrying me to the kitchen, I could close my eyes imagine biting my favorite steak and not just ordinary steak, the steak that Enrique usually cook for me. He has his own recipe that is made just for me. Hmmmm ! I want a bite !

"Gotcha ! " I felt strong arms around my waist and as I opened my eyes I saw a very handsome guy that is wearing my apron, how cute !

"I bet your hungry baby, while I'm nearly done so just sit back and go to the table" instead of going I just smiled and hugged him as tight as I wanna hug him for 8 years. God, I didn't know you planned to tie our paths again, I was so angry but then again I can't lie to myself that I missed this guy .

"Baby, I'm sorry for what I did before. I over though all the possibilities for you and forgetting our happiness together. Thank you for giving me the chance, I love you and through out the years I'm still madly in love with you.." I lessen the hug and looked straight at him and kissed him.

"Yes,  I planted hatred and anger towards you... I throw all the things you gave me and forgetting our memories but I cannot lie myself and my feelings coz deep within the hatred is the hope that your love for me will someday come back.. babe, I love you so please don't ever let go.."

"You don't have to ask baby coz I promise I'll never let go.." I hugged him.

"Now can we go and the mashed potato will be done in a bit" he pulled me towards the counter table. I watched him do the cooking and remembered the times...

What a nice day, I wake up because of the Sun's ray all over my face, I turned and looked at the owner of the arm that is wrapped at my waist. I stretch a bit and looked at the side clock.

F*ck !!! its 6: 34 am

"Oh babe ! I'm late !!! " I hurriedly went to the bathroom while he instantly stood up without any hesitation and took my uniform and do the ironing. As I went out he help me dress up, yes even if I'm naked, I didn't bother since he already saw me. I was sleeping at his condo unit frequently since my parents are always out and leaving me to a huge mansion.

"Can you manage baby ? I'll just cook something for you to eat.."

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