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Arrival of the Pevensies

Arrival of the Pevensies

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Bad dreams. Sometimes they are left better not seen and in Lenna Kirke's case, they were definitely not ones she wanted to dream.

Lenna had several this week and they were all similar, always ending with her waking up confused. They always followed the same story. Two lions running through a forest. It was as if her mind was trying to tell her something important. A memory that she had long forgotten. They felt so real and Lenna felt like she knew the dreams as if they had really happened. She wished she could get to the bottom of them and work out what they meant.

Shaking the thought off, Lenna started to get ready for the day. She looked in the mirror and frowned. Her red hair was a mess and her amber eyes were thick with sleep. Most people who saw Lenna would be shocked by the colour of her eyes. But Lenna liked the colour of her eyes, yes she'd agree that amber wasn't a usual colour but that made her feel different. Lenna's father had told her that her eyes were his favourite thing about her and he said that you can tell a lot about someone if you look in their eyes. He said that Lenna's eyes held the longing for adventure and truth.

Grabbing her brush, Lenna began brushing through her tangled hair.

Once she was dressed, Lenna walked through the corridors of the house. The house in which she lived was a house so beautiful it made her shiver just looking at it. The old house was a little draughty but that couldn't deter Lenna's love for it. The walls were painted white and along the bottom they were covered in beautiful oak panels and the banisters too were made of the same oak. She loved to run her fingers across the smooth surface of the wood. Thick carpets covered the upstairs whereas downstairs was polished wood and in the kitchen lay varnished tiles. Expensive furniture was cramped into every room, each one from far off places. Lenna could walk around the house for days and it would never get old.

Lenna's father, Professor Kirke, was a wealthy man and treated the house with just as much care as he treated his daughter. Lenna loved her father dearly and even though she knew he wasn't her biological father, due to him adopting her at the age of eight and also with him being very old, the last eight years with him had been the best Lenna could have imagined.

"Aah, Lenna my dear," Lenna looked left and saw her father looking at her, his face peering around the side of his office door. She smiled widely at him which he returned. " Those city children are arriving today, I do hope that you treat them well and are friendly to them."

"Of course father," Lenna replied. He smiled at her before re-entering his office. As she watched the office door close, Lenna found herself frowning. She couldn't help but feel resentful towards these children. She wasn't sure if the resentment was normal when it came to meeting new people, for Lenna had never met anyone besides the Professor and Mrs Macready the house maid. She had met many of the professor's friends but they were a boring group of men, who came to the house and smoked pipes and talked about incredibly philosophical matters. She often kept herself to herself when the men came and so she was nervous about meeting the children. Lenna wasn't sure how to interact with the children as she had never interacted with children her age as she had been homeschooled by the Professor and Mrs Macready.

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