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Sacrifice of the lion

Sacrifice of the lion

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Just as Lenna fell into an uneasy sleep, she was awoken by her father's soft voice. Her eyes shot open and she saw him standing beside her.

"It is time," he whispered.

Lenna got to her feet and looked at her father with worry filling her heart. It was clenching at it. Her father gave her a sad look before he breathed on her as he had done before to show her the memories.

But instead of images, Lenna felt herself shifting. Her bones moved painfully and it felt as if someone had put them in a bag and was shaking them about. Closing her eyes in pain, she soon realised that she was standing on four feet.

Opening her eyes, she saw her father's eyes staring directly into hers. She was no longer looking down on him but was the same height. Her tail swished and ears flicked.

"There's my little warrior," Aslan said smiling.

Lenna looked down and saw that her feet were no longer human but large lion paws with long claws. She stepped uneasily on her feet. She could still feel the crystal containing her magic around her neck.

"This is not the way I had wished for you to experience your first transformation," Aslan said. "But I believe that you will be much safer in your true form."

Lenna said nothing she just stared at the floor as Aslan turned and took the lead out of the tent. She followed, her head still down. Lenna looked up as they reached the end of the camp and looked back to the camp. She gazed upon her people, listening to the quiet, all of them sleeping and unaware of what was about to happen.

Maybe she should go back? Perhaps she should find Peter and tell him how she felt. It was only now as she walked to impending doom that she realised her true feelings to the boy.

"Come Lenna," Aslan called to her. He had carried on walking and was a little ways ahead of her at the bottom of the hill that hid the valley. "We have little time."

Lenna heaved her eyes away from the tents and ran to catch up with her father. Every movement was painful and slow. Time seemed to stop as they walked together through the forest. Everything was so silent, so unwelcoming that for the first time, Lenna wished she was somewhere else. She wished she wasn't in Narnia.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?"

Aslan's voice brought Lenna to a halt as she turned to see him stock still, still facing forward.

A sudden movement made Lenna look up and she saw Lucy and Susan move out from behind the trees.

"We couldn't sleep," Lucy mumbled as they came to stand beside the two lions.

"Please Aslan couldn't we come with you?" Susan asked.

"Lenna and I would be glad of the company for a while," Aslan agreed and the two girls turned to stare at Lenna in shock.

The Lioness of Narnia {Peter Pevensie}Where stories live. Discover now