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As they reached the top of the hill that the beavers said the camp was based, Lenna began to feel nervous. She knew that it must be at the prospect of meeting her father. She was worried about how to react.

How do you react to meeting to someone that you didn't even know was your father and that you haven't ever met before or don't remember meeting? Lenna was also worried about what her father would think about her. Maybe he would be disappointed in her? She was not brave or anything like the lioness she was said to be inside.

"Lenna? You alright?" Peter asked as they walked out of the forest lining the hill all the way up. He was slightly worried at how silent she had been. He squeezed her hand gently.

"Yeah I'm alright. I guess I'm just nervous," Lenna admitted to him.

"Nervous?" Peter questioned.

"Yes, about meeting my father," Lenna explained. "I don't know what to expect."

"Of course, sorry Lenna," Peter said. Lenna told him not to apolgise whilst she swallowed as she got the odd sensation in her stomach again as he said her name.

"What am I supposed to say?" Lenna worried. "What do you say to someone who you weren't even aware was your father? Hello it's nice to see you even though I don't remember you one bit?"

Peter laughed. "I don't think you should be nervous, I mean it's understandable why you are but I honestly think that your father is going to be incredibly excited to see you. When it comes to seeing him, what you want to say will just come naturally."

"Thank you Peter," Lenna said and she meant it. She no longer felt nervous thanks to Peter's words. She felt a new feeling. A bubbling, brewing excitement.

As they neared the camp which was bustling with life, Lenna heard a loud horn sound somewhere from high above and craned her neck upwards towards the rocks but didn't see anything. They had entered some kind of valley at the top of the hill and the camp was right in the centre. Everything around them was now green and not a patch of snow in sight. It was also beautifully warm which made Lenna smile. They walked into the camp and all the occupants stopped what they were doing to watch the four children walk through the camp.

Lenna couldn't help notice the strangeness of some of the creatures around them. There were some ones she easily recognised, like tigers, leopards, bears and badgers, from the books in library back in the Professor's house, and also dwarfs which were hardly creatures but not human either. However, there were some she didn't recognise. There were fawns like how Lucy had described Mr Tumnus. They were creatures that were half men, half goat and others were a man from waist upwards but the rest of them were handsome coloured, pure bred stallions or mares in the women's case. They reminded Lenna of the horses in the stable back at the Professor's house but that was a long way away or so it felt.

The Lioness of Narnia {Peter Pevensie}Where stories live. Discover now