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As I re-entered the room with Rose, I felt lighter and happier than before. I went over to Harry and I could smell the alcohol coming from him. For God's sake, I left for two minutes. He was struggling to balance which begged to ask the question how much had he drunk? I had only left for five minutes.

'How much has he had?' I asked the boys concern evident in my voice.

'Just three I think Tommo,' Niall answered straight away knowing how bad Louis' anger could be.

'YOU THINK?!?' I shouted slightly hysterical but regretting it almost immediately when Harry covered his ears because I shouted. I hadn't meant to hurt my baby's ears.

'I'm so sorry baby,' I whispered to him quietly to comfort him. I was holding his weight up not paying attention to anything else but Harry who was now trying to get SpongeBob to come out of a pineapple. I loved this boy with my whole heart but I swear drunk him was something else. Drunken Haz is very clingy. I sighed softly knowing it was going to probably be a pain to get him to do anything. I walked up to him to tell him he needed to get another drink hinting to him it'd be alcoholic but I was going to make him drink a can of coke and have something to eat because while I knew he had eaten he desperately needed more food in his system to help. This wasn't a common occurrence but it had happened enough times for me to be an expert at what to do. I lead him slowly to the kitchen while he gently played with my hair even asking if I was single and then giggling like an idiot knowing he was only joking. He is so adorable it hurt.

'Come on baby we're almost at the kitchen yeah, going to make you feel better,' I told him softly kissing his forehead. He was such a baby but he was my baby and that's all that mattered.

'Lou I wuv you,' his voice was brittle as he started crying. I automatically stopped to look at him.

Worry was evident when I asked, 'Hazzabear? What's wrong?' Harry crying is the worst most heart breaking thing you could ever see. I only wished to see him happy.

'It's just, I fucking love youuu so much,' he replied his voice slightly croaky.

'Oh Haz, I love you so fooking much, you're so adorable, let's go get you a drink and some food yeah?' I asked gently only continuing on our journey to the kitchen when he nodded his head. I was glad he wasn't sad but him crying still made my heart hurt slightly.

This boy was going to be the death of me but I didn't care because he was so adorable and cute when he was drunk it made my heart flutter every time. I wanted to protect him from the world and the way he was holding on to me so tight was making me fall in love with him for the 28th time today. Once we reached the kitchen, I sat Harry down on a chair making sure he wouldn't fall which he didn't but in the time it took me to get the can out of the fridge and turn around somehow he was slouched on the floor.

'Oh my god, Harold!' I sighed, 'here drink this,' I said handing him the can. I knew he'd drink it eventually so when he examined the can for a few minutes before taking it from me I accepted it knowing he was more curious when drunk. Struggling to open it for several minutes but not handing it back to me because he wanted to do it himself like the stubborn person he is. Although, Kudos to him, he did manage to open it. While he drank the drink I put a pepperoni pizza in the oven remembering that's what my mum always said to do. As it was a great cure for a heavy hangover in the morning.

When I turned around he was asleep so not wanting to wake him up, I just sat next to him on the floor cradling him in my lap and stroking his small curls that he only had because Louis hid all the scissors to make sure he couldn't cut his hair again. I loved his curls so I was making him grow them out and he hadn't realised yet. I was content and calm holding my baby in my arms. He deserved the world and even if I wouldn't always his he would always my world. I won't lie, I still felt insecure and guilty from our no matter how brief, breakup. The small ding went off meaning the pizza was ready so I gently laid Harry down caressing his soft locks one last time.

I took the pizza out of the oven knowing that I'd have to wake Harry up so he could eat before he went to sleep again so I cut the pizza into eighths and waited for it to cool down slightly so Harry wouldn't burn himself on it so he could go to bed quickly. As much as it pained me to do so, I gently shook Harry awake telling him he needed something to eat. He grumbled obviously still tired and slightly hung-over.

'Baby, you need to eat and then we can go to bed together yeah you don't even have to eat it all just a few pieces okay?' I asked concerned and slightly annoyed at myself that I had to wake him up.

'Yeah, alright baby,' he replied sleep obvious in his voice as he gently held onto me grabbing a slice of pizza and eating it. I was mesmerised by the way he ate by sticking his tongue out first. Everything about this man was amazing and beautiful and I fell in love with him more every minute. He was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, my soul mate, my lifeline and my home. I watched as he ate a few more pieces until he said he was full and couldn't eat any more then we went upstairs together Harry regaining more awareness and sobering up as we went. He didn't need to lean on me as much now and going up the stairs was easy. As we climbed in bed together, the others having left sometime while we were in the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel content as Harry lent his head on my chest and snuggled closer to me. My last thought that this man was my home and that I'd do anything for him.

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