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I had to give an interview today about Rose's attack. Normally I'd roll my eyes but this time I truly felt like I needed to speak out about it. After all it was indirectly my fault, it was my fans. I knew some of them were toxic especially after the whole incident with my stalker but that was taken to court and no one got hurt but this time they went too far. It disgusted me sometimes. When the interviewer asked me about Rose I launched into answering the question. I had a rehearsed speech but this one I used was one from the heart and I used some of the things that management asked me to say but not all of it because I felt like I needed to be as truthful as I could. I spoke about how we were taking our time exploring the relationship which made me feel sick. She was pretty but nothing compared to my boyfriend Louis Tomlinson. I also talked about how I'd seen her after the attack and it was honestly crushing also that anyone who was a true fan of mine wouldn't act in that way or support the actions of them. My only lie was about us being in a relationship because even though we hadn't known each other long I knew I could call her a friend and could trust her. I asked for as much privacy during this time while she recovers as possible. However I knew that the focus on her wouldn't stop after I spoke out. I was actually distraught about it. It had kept me up until Zayn text Louis to tell him she was fine. I was restless still but I felt better knowing that she was going to get rest. I trusted Zayn to look after her, you could see he adored her and I wouldn't be surprised if something happened between the two. 


I had an interview that night in Rotterdam before my show later. Management weren't as controlling anymore meaning that the only questions that were banned were about Larry and Freddie. I agreed on both as I knew coming out while under this management wouldn't work and Freddie was an adorable little boy who deserved a normal life, with his real family, not all this publicity and hate that thankfully died down. For the first time in many years I was very single to the public and I loved it because the Larry rumours were bigger than ever. I didn't know if they'd ask me about Rose's attack but after Harry speaking out about it, I wasn't surprised to be asked about it. Cheeky fuckers though. I swear all of Amsterdam are larries but I wasn't complaining. I answered with as much honesty as I could. I said something like, 'listen she's a lovely gal, I've only met her a few times but she seemed real nice, no one deserves to be attacked but she definitely didn't and it's horrible to think people who call them fans of Harry's could do something like that. I know she even came to me concert the other night lovely girl. I saw her after the attack, about a day after, and she seemed so exhausted and fragile so I hope her a speedy recovery I really do. I really feel for Harry though because he probably blames himself but it wasn't his fault.' I managed to talk about Harry as well as supporting someone who was slowly becoming a good friend. That was once score for tommo against management. I knew H was beating himself up inside over the attack. I won't lie, I wouldn't be surprised if management were behind the attack. It would be messed up but they probably thought it was a great but twisted way to get H and Rose closer. I believed she would be fine because she seemed stronger than she knew. In fact, though I wasn't showing it, she reminded me of my sisters. I was going to take her under my wing now. 

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