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Oh Hello there, 

Finally got my blog back then? Cool. It's time to talk about Louis' birthday. Yeah it was chill because it was actually just a lads night and they played video games. Whether that's a euphemism for something or not, we'll never know. Well maybe I will but you all  won't. His birthday is kind of a mystery to me but I did arrive late at night giving the boys about 3 or 4 hours of doing whatever 'lad stuff' is. 

As his birthday is Christmas Eve, I was in charge of waiting for everyone else's families while they did their own thing. I came back with and entourage of family. I can confirm they are all lovely people. I almost forgot a kind of important thing oops. Louis and Harry came out. I came out for them with their permission. I took a picture of them all cosy and couple-y and posted it captioning it true love. We all stayed up until Christmas day all of us together. It was a mess of wrapping paper with all of their families there.

Anne, Gemma, Lottie, Daisy, Phoebe, Ernie, Doris and his grandparents, Greg, Maura, Theo and Denise, Karen, Nicola, Ruth, Geoff, Bear and finally Safaa, Yaser, Tricia, Waliyha and Doniya also El and her friend was there too. It was a lot of people but I can say that without a doubt it was my favourite Christmas and I don't think anything could beat it.

We all fell asleep in the early hours of Christmas morning and by the time we woke it was around 11AM but don't worry Santa had come when we were asleep. Clever man him isn't he? Celebrating Christmas was chaotic but obviously we opened presents from Santa to the twins, Bear and Theo first before we exchanged gifts with the rest of us. I'd try to explain who gave who what but honestly I don't know because presents were being exchanged left, right and centre. Myself and Zayn still get confused about who got which present. My biggest focus that day was the trending hashtags on Twitter:











I don't think they had fully come out by this point though. That's what the last few blogs posts have been for, Larry is definitely out now but they weren't completely out when they had their first interview as a band since coming back together. The interview was in the new year and I'm sure you've all seen it. It was quite scripted but the difference was their was a new writer, me. I listened to the boys and so when Zayn made his statement about rejoining the band that was something we'd discussed together and about how much detail he could go into. We decided to keep it quite brief by just saying that he joined due to management changing and Louis decided to joke about me and Zayn fucking let's see who believes that was scripted. I'm glad Lou feels safe to make jokes like that under my management though I just wish it wasn't to the whole world. We could have cut it out, I had that power but Zayn looked cute blushing gently so we kept it. Little blushy baby. Anyway they are all still do their own thing on the side and that helps in so many ways because for example if Harry or Louis wrote a song about each other then they could make a choice to perform it solo or otherwise. I'm not saying that Kiss Me Goodnight was a Larry song but I am saying that they also said in that interview you shouldn't expect an album once a year. What we didn't mention, is the fact that we will be dropping a new album later in the year that consists of all the songs you've been asking for or at least most. I'm not going to promise a Larry duet of medicine but I can promise I will get that studio version of Medicine from Harry for all of you.

I can't remember the exact date okay well that's a lie it was the 7th of January but that's not important *nervous laugh* anyway let's get on with what my small story was. Not important at all. I obviously was living with Zayn for a bit when I was recovering but for about 5 months I'd say, I moved out and I lived with Eleanor. I just thought we needed some space because I didn't want him to start hating me or something. As I'm sure you can tell, I do not live with Eleanor at the moment and I'm going to briefly explain why.  Eleanor got a girlfriend so they were going to live together the problem was me and I will own up in this situation. Yes Eleanor is bisexual and she said I was allowed to share this story. As you're away me and Zayn did kiss but we weren't ready for a relationship then and so not long after we started the plan, I decided to move in with El. When I did this, I wasn't fully thinking. We both started to gradually develop feelings for each other and we both thought those feelings were romantic, we now know that they are only those of friendship. After experimenting with the possibility of a romantic relationship, we realised we were better as friends so have remained great friends despite our failed try at a relationship. Once El got a new girlfriend, it was time for me to go because her new girlfriend obviously knew of our past relations and didn't like it. I'm not bitter about it though because it was inevitable.

Anyway after that conversation with her about moving out, she said I don't need to rush as what you all don't know is, I sold my house to help pay for the band getting back together and also due to the fact I didn't feel safe in my house. That's not important what is important is I'm a ninja spy. I'll give you a minute to take that in. Now. I'm sure you're thinking, Rose? What are you on? or Rose are you drunk? The answer is no. I packed my bags once I went to my room for the night and then when she was sleeping I left. I could have gone out the door but I had about 3 bags of stuff that was all and all of my things that were breakable were either easily fixed, easily replaceable or protected when I packed so, I threw my bags out the window and scaled down the wall.

I was going to Zayn's house. I knocked on his door at about 4AM. I hadn't texted him to see if he was awake because it was Zayn and he rarely slept early and so I assumed he would be up. Unfortunately, I was wrong in my assumption but fortunately he had fallen asleep on the sofa so heard me knock and opened the door. His hair was all ruffled and he looked tired but when he saw me, his whole face changed into an emotion I was sure no one else had seen. Quickly, he saw my bags and invited me in. He'd remarked that I must be cold in what I was wearing but I wasn't. I did accept the offer of snuggling under his duvet with him though. I told him in the morning why I was there and he said I could live with him. I was grateful he hadn't asked why that night and yes we are still living together. He is a very umm, very good roommate.  

Lets leave it there for today I'll tell you all about Zayn's birthday next time. 


Love, L x

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