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Hey again everyone,
I fear we shall not have too much more to talk about now but let's not focus on that. Now, I think I left it with Liam being a rude ass and not telling us about a date. I'm joking but no we still do not know about his date. So Louis and Harry had dropped the bombshell that they were engaged and Niall was going to be alone for the day. Zayn was actually confused about the fact he was meant to record. He'd looked like a wounded puppy at the concept but I actually made that up. We were going to spend the day together. We were very cliche on that day.

We're both not the best with heights so I didn't go that cliche this time. I may have packed us a picnic though and we may have sat in a field until the sun set. We may have shared a few passionate kisses or we may have done more who knows. Well me and Zayn know and I know I'm definitely not a virgin anymore but who knows why that is. It was a very romantic outing. It was quite cheesy but not due to the cheese I packed in the picnic. Okay well Harry enjoyed that joke but basically everyone else looks done with my shit. I think it's safe to say we had a good day. I think it's safe to say I fell very deeply in love that day more than I already was. 

As we lay their together in the sun's glow, everything felt perfect for a few minutes. Then the next day when we went into the studio we got interrogated. Yep that's the correct word. Louis very innocently, note the sarcasm, asked how the recording session went the day before. I think we both looked at each other and then said in harmony that it was good. Then Zayn, the little shit, said I gave him extra help with the bridge you can all take that how you want but he put emphasis on the word extra. Just as I took a sip of my tea, Niall exclaimed that they knew we were fiucking, oh yes those were his words. Yes, the timing was impeccable as it made me almost choke so well done Niall. Me almost choking on my tea made Zayn move close to me as quick as he could to check if I was okay. Let's all just say best boyfriend ever together. Oh yes Niall was correct and Louis and Harry wow, we were really not subtle huh. Anyway, Niall could have tried to be more subtle because Zayn checking if I was okay made Niall start fangirling and kept repeating that he was right and that it was Rayn Malpez for the win. I think Niall is the captain of every ship because he even gave us a ship name. Then we swiftly changed the topic to Larry's engagement and that's where I got all my details for the last blog post. I may not have officially confirmed Rayn Malpez to them but I'll let you in ona secret, just you and me, it's very real even now. 

I'll tell all you dear readers about Louis and Harry's wedding and the planning behind it but first, time for the climax of this whole thing. The last few blog posts have been my story, Zayn's story and Larry's story but it was all to show you how much better they are now that they are under different management, my management, still weird to say. Anyway the contrast between them is undeniable. Now is the moment for us to discuss just how bad they are. Rant time people so get ready.

They were the worst team because all they care about is money and not the wellbeing of their clients. This was show several times yet people overlooked it. Not only did they make Louis and Harry stay in the closet so they could profit off it, they made them push down their nature. It's not the 1800s it's 2021 people are gay, guys love guys and it's natural. The way they were treated was siCK. Not only were they shown to be straight because management thought that it would make sales drop if they were shown to be in a relationship, but they profited of larries who were loyal in their belief that it was real. They are manipulators in the worst way. They made all the boys feel uncomfortable. They'd turn Niall's microphone down or off. Niall still has a bad knee to this day because they denied him surgery for so long and made him perform every  night instead of getting him the help he desperately needed. They made him dye his hair blonde for years so that the image of the band wouldn't change and they made Niall get braces. They only care about looks and money and not the well being of the people they are meant to be looking after and protecting. They were all still so young and vulnerable when they were put under their care and we forget that they didn't know no better really because they were shoved into this spotlight with no help . They were controlled and brainwashed and I wouldn't be surprised if the boys still feel self conscious and worthless today due to the way they were treated. They weren't treated as humans they were treated as something less. 

A subtle thing they did that you may not have picked up on was the fact that they made Louis lower his microphone to his chest so he could barely be heard. They told him it was because his voice was too different and not the strongest. We shouldn't compare them because they are all different but he does have a strong unique voice and I can say with the utmost truth that they are all being given singing lessons to help improve their technique and to strengthen their voices. Zayn was given so much time to perfect his high notes but they were already good and it just gave him even more pressure to perform. He's great at them now and his anxiety is getting better with help but they should have all been helped to the level Zayn was. Let's talk about the fact that Harry was 16, essentially a baby when they exploited him as a womaniser. This image is still being spread now because they didn't want to admit two boys could have a long-term loving, relationship. They made this image to hide the truth that Louis and Harry have been in love since they were 16 and 18 respectively. 

They overworked all of them to make themselves more money. They put so much pressure on them that Zayn developed an Eating Disorder because he was that self conscious and insecure. They made Liam develop a drinking problem and even made him suicidal at times and people still believed that they had a good management. They were not allowed proper breaks. They all still love their time as a band in the early days but it was a stressful time filled with overworking that left all of them in a bad place mentally. After they've all had real breaks, they are all in a certainly much better place where they aren't woken up in the early hours of the morning to record a new song for a chorus. They are free to do what they want and I work around that. They can now focus on meeting as many fans as they can without worrying about time as much. Changing management has reduced their stress and has left them all happier. My final words on this topic are : Fuck you modest!

Love, L x

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