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Italics is Rose

Normal is Louis

To the right side is Harry

Back for more people,

So we finished with me and Zayn kissing and me asking him for a favour, now, Louis is let's say jealous that Zayn got to make a blog post on here and not him so he'll be telling you what my favour was and what happened next. Until next time everyone.

Tommo is in the house and I was not jealous I just thought it was unfair. I had heard a knock at the door and silently cursed because I was in the middle of a plan to seduce Harry. Oh man it feels great to talk about Harry so freely. I love Harry Edward Styles sincerely, Louis Tomlinson. I got off track but yeah when I opened the door, I didn't fully recognise who it was but then they talked and I realised it was Rose in disguise. She was never right, in the whole time I've known her. She is fucking clever though and smashes everything she does ! I'd invited her in and that's when she gave me a whole speech about her plan. The plan did have several ludicrous points in it but then I thought fuck it what else is there to lose ? I'll talk to you about the plan later or I'll just let Rose talk about it next time anyway I agreed to talk to Harry about it. Let me tell you about Haz's impeccable timing almost as soon as Rose had left, he decided to enter our house right then causing me to jump, quite literally, out of my thoughts. I'd told Harry Rose's entire plan and explained my own reasoning that this may be the only way. Harry convinced me to call the others to tell them too which reminded me just how whipped I was for him. Oh shite ! I just publicly announced how whipped I am for Harry. Rose is shaking her head at me and said it's obvious how whipped I am anyway like excuse me you loosah- Harry gave me a scary look so Love Ya Rose you're great. Briefly, the plan entailed deception, heartbreak, contracts, love and best of all the downfall of modest management and it was going to be one hell of a journey. Best plan ever and that compliment were very genuine this all sounds sarcastic, fuck.

Rose said she wanted to say a quick thing before she lets me end this blog post so I'm going to hand it back to her now.  A few months ago, after I'd told Louis this plan, I and Harry were seen at Gemma's birthday party. I know a lot of people were confused as to why we looked so loved up but believe me it was all part of the plan. To the outside world, we were deep in conversation, talking about our plans for the future and whether a baby would be on the way soon. To the outside world, all of the boys were there to show support for Gem who was like a sister to them all. Well all but one, the only person missing was Louis. I'd like to clear up that he'd visited Gemma before the party and to the outside world, Harry and the others were unconcerned by his no show. However, we weren't so much not concerned but we knew why and it definitely wasn't because of me and Harry. To everyone else, it seemed none of them had seen Louis in a few weeks. It was sudden to most but to me and the boys, it was expected. Not even management could have predicted that we would fall in love for real and that's what we were counting on. Lottie and the twins were there while their grandparents looked after the younger twins. There were only their for Gemma and, if it was a year ago, it may have also been for Harry but since him and Louis 'broke up', they stayed clear of him as much as possible. They weren't to know though so don't blame them, since they found out the plan, all is forgiven. 

We all know that even when mad, if push came to shove they would've helped Harry if he needed it but not unless it was serious. They all love Louis and Harry together and adored their relationship. They all believed it was unbreakable and so for a time being, they hated me nearly as much as the fans did because I stole Harry from Louis or the fans. The only people who supported the idea of us together was Gemma and Anne mainly because Harry seemed genuinely happy. Great acting once again Harold. There was rarely a moment with me that the dimples weren't out and so they couldn't hate me when they believed I was the reason for that smile. Louis and Zayn were respectively good actors so they tried to seem supportive when they knew that back home, everything was good. The Christmas feeling was all around that year but there was a sinister tone to it because none of us truly felt happy. We felt shattered. Some of those shatters were for show but the more deadly ones weren't. Management had broken us all and we're still trying to fix that. The group was torn apart and only new management and outlook could change that. We went back to our houses and snuggled feeling secure in our homes' arms. If we could make it through December, maybe we could all make it through forever together.

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