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Guess whose back, back again, Rose is back tell a friend,

So Zayn finished by saying we fell asleep watching Netflix. It'd been three days since the attack and I was slowly recovering with Zayn's help. He's literally the best. I'd seen Louis and Harry's interviews and I was happy that Louis was able to talk about Harry because of me even it wasn't the best circumstances. Liam and Niall both wished me a speedy recovery by texting me and checking in secretly with Zayn even though I knew they were. It was sweet and unreal, like, they actually cared about me something I never thought I'd say. Zayn had publicly wished I'd get better and tagged me so I gained so many followers from them something I didn't even think about. Zayn is a great guy and really helped me. I think if I had to say I was closest with any of them I'd have to be say Zayn and that isn't because I'm physically next to him in bed normally after waking him up after my frequent nightmares but because he'd helped me even though he didn't need to and it literally was unhealthy for him because of his lack of sleep. I didn't mean to wake him up with my nightmare but I shouted out for help automatically and he rushed to me and comforted me until I stopped shaking. I still feel guilty for waking him now but glad of the comfort his arms gave me. When I woke the next morning, Zayn was gone which wasn't unusual so I had decided to go on my laptop to have a look on my blog again for the first time in a while. It probably wasn't healthy to do so while I was still recovering and especially alone without Zayn in case I spiralled again. People were being more sympathetic towards me after the attack but there were still really nasty, horrible accounts and messages. Instagram was quite positive though even with the thousands of new followers that wouldn't stop. Ironically, Zayn came back just after I posted an Instagram story and he asked me to come downstairs with him. On the way downstairs, he rambled about how he knew I hated being here all day with just him and how it wasn't fair for me because he could never understand even slightly what I was going through. As he led me into the living room, I understood why he was so nervous and what he was rambling about because there stood Eleanor Calder. He'd swiftly exited leaving me with her and my nerves.

I didn't know how to respond I mean I'd never hated on Eleanor because she was a person, a human, and you should always be nice to people. Seeing her in person was unreal and I won't lie I am kind of gay for Eleanor like she's so pretty! We're friends now so hey El if you're reading this. Also I'd always admired how strong she was despite the hate she got. I definitely played with the ends of my hair still not sure what to say.

She nervously held her hand out for me to shake and introducing herself which I gladly did and she already knew who I was. If you've never heard her speak, I suggest you google Eleanor Calder speaking because her accent is the cutest, softest thing ever. I also told her about how I was a fan of her fashion blog. She'd giggled before holding a seat out for me. We both had sat and talked for hours and hours at first over pointless things but then we got into more the deep touchy feel-y stuff about management and having to beard the boys. She explained what her situation was like to me. I started to sympathise with her so much because after management realised that people didn't like her and tried to make her continue stunting, they started to edit the photos and pretend she was still with Louis and she couldn't stop it because she wasn't in control of her Instagram. From there, the Photoshop was horrible and only when he was meant to be dating other people did she get a break but she thought it'd be suspicious to delete all the pictures from before. She also told me that she genuinely didn't mean that comment to sound or come across as racist but she felt that if she spoke out about it people would hate on her more and she was just very paranoid. The fact she was attacked that time at the airport physically didn't help her feel confident and the fact management kept photo-shopping her pictures and they got the last say left her feeling kind of worthless. The hate did get to her sometimes and she'd actually started crying when she realised that someone had a screenshot of her liking a comment about Fizzy's death because she accidentally liked it and unliked it as soon as she realised. She was sobbing into my shoulder at the end because she did honestly care for the Tomlinson's and even though she wasn't actually dating Louis, it didn't mean she didn't like the family or cared for them. By the time she had to leave we'd already swapped numbers because we felt closer to each other especially after having talk about the fact we were kind of forced to do this 'job'.

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