A Day with Miya

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Gojira begins to get ready, Miya told him it would be a casual date so they'll just head out to a cafe and possibly some other places. He unfortunately remembers one thing... he's paying for everything.

Gojira: *sigh* Damnit.

Miya: *giggles, as she gives him a mischievous grin* What? Scared for your wallet?

Gojira: Actually yes...

Miya: Don't worry about it. If I goes well we might actually start dating. She said confidently as she looks over at Maria who was frowning the whole time. However she immediately gave Gojira a heartwarming smile when he wanted to tell her something.

Gojira: okay, if anyone ask where we are tell them that were out in Vale, and we'll be back in a few hours. Okay?

Maria: Of course!

Gojira: thanks! Alright Miya you ready to head out?

Miya: of course I am, the question is are you ready for me~?

Gojira: Remind me to not let you hang out with Yang anymore.

As the two head out, maria smiles and waves at them till the door closes. She immediately flies into her bed and screamed into her pillow.

Maria: *muffled* It's not fair!!

Anna: Maria calm down it's not the end of the world.

Maria: It is for me! I told you this already I'm a mothra faunus, and I have to protect my king! That's the whole reason I'm here! And now some human decides to take him away from me! I loved him the moment he saved me, and now he's going out with a girl who probably doesn't even love him, all because of a bet!

Anna: Exactly... out of a bet, does that mean he loves her too? No I dont think so and he was just complaining not too long ago.

Maria: But he isn't complaining he's going out with her! He's fine with it! And I'm scared he's gonna end up loving her more then me! Then he'll forget about me I'll never get to be his queen and I'll be forced to watch him goondatesthenhaveafamilyallwhileimaloneicantdealwiththat!

Maria would keep going if Anna hadn't stopped her by covering her mouth.

Anna: just calm down it'll be fine.

Maria: we wont know that for sure! That's it I'm following them! She runs out if the room, as anna goes to follow her they didn't know the exact same thing was happening in Team RWBY's dorm. Ruby and Blake were currently trying to calm down a raged Yang, while Weiss, who had enough of the yelling just decided to take a shower.

Yang: Uh I can't believe he's actually going out on a date with her! Yang yelled as she punched her pillow, with her eyes were red and her hair was burning.

Ruby: Y-Yang calm down!

Yang: No that girl got to date him! I hate it and the fact she cheated in order to get him!

Blake: Yang I get you want to protect your brother, he was my best friend when we were kids. Now we barely talk since he's either training, or with his team.

Yang: I don't care! He shouldn't be dating her! He should be with me NOT HER!

Everyone was shocked at what she said, as well as Yang who just realized what she said.

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